21. Calm before the storm

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I walked along the road after just saying bye to Ally. I really shouldn’t be this bummed about leaving a girl I only met a week and a half ago, it was crazy.

I got my phone out and checked the time. I was going to be late to the studio, so I picked up my pace and got in a taxi to get me there quicker.

When I arrived I was 15 minutes late and all the boys started questioning me when I entered the studio. “Mate, are you alright? You’re never normally late for things and in the past week you've been late like twice.” Will asked.

“Yeah, fine just got distracted and didn’t realise the time.” I replied quietly.

“Distracted by what? Or who shall we ask?” Woody looked at me questioningly.

“Uhhm..” I glanced over at Kyle and he sat there with raised eyebrows and a smirk, winking at me. The boys followed my glare and noticed what Kyle was doing.

“You’ve told Kyle about something! Look at him he can barely keep it in!” Will yelled in a jokey way.

“Whaaaat?! You can’t keep secrets from us Dan!” Woody added.

“Alright, alright. I only told Kyle a couple of days ago anyway! Actually it only happened a couple of days ago!”

“What?! What happened?!” Woody questioned.

“Let me get on with it then Woody! So basically since I met her I’ve kind of had a thing for Ally, which you know. But then Saturday I went round there and…. You know, stuff happened.”

I was broken off by Will shouting “Get in thereeeee! Out of your little dry spell Dan!” He leant over trying to high five me but I just kind of shot this evil look at him.

“Alright guys, really?! Kyle said basically the same thing when he found out!” Why was my sex life such a big deal for them!

“But wait, we saw her on a date with Adam on Sunday, didn't we?” Woody looked puzzled.

“Argh I know, that’s the thing. He likes her and I like her. I went out with her yesterday and she was who I was just with. I feel bad keeping it from him but I think we both actually like each other and she wants to speak to Adam about it today.”

“Oooooh so you’re both dating the same girl?” Woody asked.

“No, me and her aren’t exactly dating. Neither are her and Adam! We’ve both just gone on one date with her.”

“You’ve said it yourself, you’ve been on a date with her.. You’re dating her Dan! Is Adam sleeping with her too though?” Will said.

“Ergh I bloody hope not! No definitely not, she wouldn’t go that far with it.”

I ended the conversation there and we began to start recording new songs. But I started thinking. What if she doesn’t really like me and was just kind of using me as one of her men who was there to take her out and sleep with her. I suddenly became kind of angry that I had never even thought of that before. No, Ally was too nice for that I’m sure of it.


I was on the tube coming home from work, really nervous about the argument that I knew was about to happen when I saw a familiar face get on the same carriage as me. I made eye contact and waved at him and he came and stood next to me.

“You alright Dan? What have you been up to?” I asked with a wide smile on my face. It was good to see him, as always. And he was looking good too, as always.

“Hey yeah I’m good thank you, just been recording in the studio with the band. How are you?”

“Yeah not too bad, just finished work.. I’m sorry for calling you really late last night by the way. Ally went missing and I got panicky and called everyone!”

“Sorry I didn’t answer it, I was sleeping. You found her I take it?” He really didn’t look too bothered or shocked at the fact that I had said my best friend went missing, just kept on looking down at his watch.

“Yeah she was with a mate and got drunk so didn’t answer my calls. I just worry about her a lot.” I knew Ally was lying, obviously, but there was no point telling Dan about it, he didn't want to hear me rant about her I'm sure.

“You shouldn’t, she’s a big girl and can look after herself I’m sure… You deserve better than staying up all night worrying about her.”

I sighed, he was right, she can look after herself and so I shouldn’t have gone so over the top last night. But I can’t help but feel anxious, so much has happened to her in the past. Also, Dan saying I deserve better and thinking about my feelings kind of just made me want to hug him.

“I know. And yeah I definitely deserve better. I deserve a bloody bottle of wine tonight, after the day I’ve had!” I looked at him and thought, fuck it. “Fancy going for a drink tonight?”

He looked up at me, confused. “Uh, look that’s really nice of you but I’m knackered and in a bad mood so wouldn’t be great company. Just want to get in bed really.”

Brilliant, what a rejection! Luckily we were nearing my stop. “Ah no worries, this is my stop so I’ll see you around.” I turned around and walked off the train.

“Kaley…” I turned around and saw Dan. “This is my stop too you idiot!”

“Oh, uh yeah I forgot..” I forgot?! What a dumbo.

Me and Dan had a bit of an awkward walk back and separated at the end of my road. I wish he accepted going out for drinks, I wanted to get to know him better and get rid of that awkwardness, even though it was so cute. I walked up to the building and nervously pulled my key out, knowing what was about to happen.

When I got to the flat, Ally was in the kitchen cooking. I put my bag down and entered the kitchen, she was making lasagne, one of my favourites. “Hey, sorry it’s gunna be like half an hour still!”

“Alright..” I said coldly and walked back and sat in the living room. It felt so weird, I should have just gone straight in for it as soon as I saw her. But now I'm sat here waiting for her to come to me. This was like the calm before the storm.

Ten minutes later Ally joined me in the living room. “It’s in the oven now. Won’t be long.” 

This is it then..

What would you do? (A Bastille/ Dan Smith fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now