29. Who's the girl?

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Me and Kaley had got ready and were having a few drinks before going out and even after only one glass of wine I could tell I was going to get wasted.

We put our heels on and left the flat, walking arm in arm to the row of bars we were going to. We went in the first bar and it was already getting busy, even though it was only about 10. We grabbed a bottle of wine and found a table to sit at.

I could barely hear Kaley talking because it was so loud, but also because I was so drunk by the end of the bottle too. I looked at her, holding her glass in the air and singing along with the music and knew she was too. I grabbed her arm and lead her to the bar, deciding to move on to tequila shots and beer.

We downed the shots and made our way onto the dance floor, throwing out some ridiculous drunken moves. We laughed a ridiculous amount and then the next song came on.. Pompeii. Kaley immediately pointed at me and we both started what I would call singing, but really it was shouting , to the music.

A few songs later and I had finished my beer, signalling to Kaley that we should go get another. I got to the bar and glanced across it, noticing 4 men stood there downing shots, one looking pretty upset. I had never seen Kyle look like this, and by the look on Dan’s face neither had he.

“It’s alright, you can go over to him! I know I said girly night but he’s your boyfriend, you can’t just ignore the guy!” Kaley slurred at me, pushing me over to the direction of Dan.

I decided to surprise Dan and so walked up to him and quickly span him around and kissed him. He grabbed my face and pushed me away with a look of disgust on his face. “WHAT THE FUCK?” He shouted at me, and then his eyes focused on who it was and he started laughing and picked me up, spinning me around.

I clutched onto Dan laughing at him. I guess I should be happy to know that if a random girl decided to kiss him, he would react by pushing them away! “I’m so sorry! I didn't realise who it was, I thought you were a random girl!” He shouted over the music. “I’m so happy to see you!” He put me down and kissed me again.

“Ah, so you’re used to girls grabbing you and kissing you!” I joked at him and he blushed a bit and started stuttering. “I’m kidding, you idiot!” I said, hugging him tighter as he laughed and held me close.

I glanced over to Kaley and saw her sat next to Kyle at the bar. Ah well at least he has someone to keep him company. I know it’s bad and I’m a bit of a bitch to Kaley for leaving her, but right now I just wanted to be with Dan for a bit.

We moved towards the dance floor, and basically spent most of the night kissing rather than dancing. Neither of us were any good at dancing anyway. Dan started saying things in my ear and I knew all I wanted to do was go back to mine and rip his clothes off.

I approached Kaley and asked her if she was ready to leave or not. She said she was having a good time so would see me back at home in the morning and Kyle said that he would just stay at Will’s or Woody’s so it was okay for Dan to go.

Me and Dan left the club and couldn’t keep our hands off each other. We walked home as quick as we could and had barely made it to my room before we had discarded our clothes.


I woke up, tangled up in Dan’s body and smiled, another perfect way to wake up. I leant up to look at the time and my head started pounding. I got out of bed and made my way to the bathroom. I grabbed some painkillers and plodded back to my room, when Kaley’s door opened.

Out came Kyle, dressed in his boxers and Kaley’s dressing gown. My mouth dropped wide open as we stared at each other in shock for a moment.

“Uhhhhhhh.. It’s not what you think!” He whispered, pointing towards the door.

I gave him a look. “What so you didn’t just hook up with Kaley?!”

“Uhhh.” He started again. “No, no.. That happened.” He looked embarrassed.

“You little slut Kyle!” I joked. Then I realised he broke up with his long term girlfriend yesterday by catching her with another man. He probably wasn’t in the mood for a joke.

“Shut uuuup. I don’t even know how it happened. One moment we were in the bar doing shots, the next we were in bed!” He began to panic for some reason.

“Calm down Kyle, it’s fine! Are you trying to make a quick exit by the way? Cause leaving the flat in Kaley’s pink silky dressing gown will probably get you a few odd looks in the street.”

“No, no. I’m not that much of a dickhead. I just need water, lots of it. I think I have my very first hangover.”

“Congratulations, you’re a big boy now! Painkillers are in the bathroom cupboard by the way. I’m going back to sleep.”

“Thanks!” He said and hurried off to the bathroom. I sniggered and went into my bedroom and went back curled up in Dan’s arms.

“Who was that you were speaking too, Al? Sounded like a man.” I glimpsed at Dan, still with his eyes closed. I didn’t even notice he was awake.

“Sorry for waking you.. Funny thing actually, it was Kyle.”

Dan’s eyes shot open. “KYLE?!” He said shocked. “No wayyyy!”

“Keep it down Smith! Yeah way!”

“That’s mental!”

“I know! Did not see that one coming I must admit. Look at him stealing your sloppy seconds!”

“Argh please don’t say that, I thought we had forgotten that little drunken kiss. But seriously, go on Kyle! Would serve Hattie right if Kyle got all loved up with someone else this quickly.”

“Yeah but I don’t want Kaley to be no rebound girl, she deserves more than that!”

“Kyle would never mess a girl over, don’t worry. You saw how he got about this break up last night.”

“Hmm okay.” I murmured, snuggling into Dan a bit more. “Sleep time again?” I asked, basically telling him I was about to fall asleep and there wasn’t much he could do about it. He kissed me on the forehead in agreement, and when I opened my eyes, I saw his eyes were closed and we both fell asleep soon after.

What would you do? (A Bastille/ Dan Smith fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now