Look at us now

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I combined two chapters into one so that I could at least do one more chapter on this book.


Danny took Jessica upstairs and laid her down on the bed. 

"Danny, those two shouldn't have been drinking!"

"I know, baby."

"Danny, my baby's married!"

"I know, it's crazy."

"It's stupid!!"

"I know.."

"I'm his mother!  I wasn't even there to see my own baby get married."

"Well if it helps, I don't think he even remembers it."

"That so does NOT Help!" Jessica hits his shoulder with her fist.

"I'm sorry, baby.  I know nothing I say will make you feel better.."

Jessica lets a sob out so Danny pulls her close and holds her in his arms.

"Honey, don't cry.. It's okay, baby.."

Jessica eventually cried herself to sleep.  Danny came downstairs and the boys were all still there.

"Okay, she's napping."

"Danny, thanks for that, man-"

"Sam, I know I acted cool, and yes I am happy for you too, but you all need to cool it on the drinking."

"It was Vegas, dad!" Zachary says.

"I know and I understand having fun, but a marriage!  All of you must have been beyond wasted.  I'm disappointed in you guys."

"Yeah!  Me too!" Grayson stands beside his father with his arms crossed.

Danny looks down and chuckles. "Gray, go finish your sandwich."

"Mr. Huston, you're right.  We behaved like irresponsible teenagers." Caroline says.

"I'm sorry we disappointed you, Danny.. We were just having fun.." Michael says.

"Yeah.. I know mom is upset and I feel bad.. Can I go up and talk to her?" Zachary asks.

"Oh God NO!  Please don't wake her!"

"Ooh!  I'm gonna tell mommy!" Grayson laughs.



"Merry Christmas Novies!  Are you ready to see what Santa brought you?!" Jessica gets the baby out of her crib.

She kisses her cheek and lightly bounces her.

"Let's go wake up your brother."

"IT'S CHRISTMAS!  IT'S CHRISTMAS!" She hears Grayson running through the hall.

"Sounds like he's up!"

All of the kids had spent the night at the house so they could be together on Christmas morning.

"This is your gift, baby sister!" Grayson sits one of her presents down in front of her.

Nova looks at it with confusion.

"Haha!  She's puzzled, mommy!"

"She is!" Jessica giggles.

"You're so smart, Gray!" Tiffany says.

"My mommy says that word!"

"Your mommy does say that, doesn't she!" She laughs.

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