The picture

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Finding that letter from Sam, made Jessica happier than she's felt in months.

For a minute, she felt like she was talking to Sam again.

Jessica smiled at the letter, and kissed it before holding it to her chest.

The baby started kicking and Jessica looked down and smiled.

"Did ya here that, Grays?  Daddy wanted you to be sent to me! *Giggles* He even named you!"

"Mom?" Samuel gives her a strange look.

"I just found a note from your father!

He wrote it after he got sick. 

He told me that he's always with me, and that he wants me to be happy and to one day find someone that will tell me how beautiful I am everyday... which I don't know about that!  *Chuckles*

But you guys!  He wrote about the baby!"

"What?!  How did he know?" James asks.

"He didn't, but he said that he hopes that I am pregnant, because that's what will help me heal.

He also told me that if it's a boy that I better name him Grayson!" Jessica smiles.

"Wow, really?!" Michael's eyes widen.

"Yeah!" Jessica smiled, and for once there were happy tears forming in her eyes.

"I'm still obviously upset that he isn't here with me while I'm pregnant, or to raise this baby with me, but this note gives me so much comfort, because I know that in a way.. He still is here.

He's helping me through this more than ever..."

"That's right, mom.. He's helping you, and he's helping us.

He's gonna have too, we have no idea how to take care of a baby!" James says.

"Yeah, and we're gonna need to help you out as much as we can. You're not in this alone, mom. You have three grown boys and we're gonna help you." Sam adds.

Jessica smiles and says, "Thank you guys.

I'm so proud of the young men you have all become."

"Even Sam?" Michael asks.

"Yes, even Sam!" Jessica raises her voice, as Samuel hits Michael's head.


"Sorry." They both say.

Jessica just started at them standing in front of her.  She saw a little bit of Sam in each one of them. Samuel looked the most like his dad. Strong features, and a certain shyness about him, that made him even more like Sam.

"When did my babies grow up?

You three were just running around in diapers!  All hooked to my boobs and everything!"

"Yuck!" Michael makes a face.

"It's not gross!  That's how I fed my babies!  It's beautiful!"


George came by a little later to help the boys with the big stuff, and to start painting the baby's room.

"Thank you so much for your help, George!  I really appreciate it!"

"No problem, sis.  I'm happy to help!  Now get out of here, it's not good for you to smell this paint!"

"Alright, I'm leaving!

Boys, I'm going to Sarah's, I'll be back!"

"Okay, be careful!"

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