Happy Feet

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"That ass hole! Are you kidding me?!" Sam stands up.

"Calm down Samuel!"

"Mikey, you can't be with this girl, her family is nuts!"

"I know.."

"Michael, I'm not telling you what to do, but--"

"No mom.. I broke up with her."

"What? Why?"

"I just didn't like her ways.."

"What ways?"

"Well she seemed okay but then.. She just isn't right for me."

"Well I'm glad we don't have to associate with them anymore. I'm sorry it didn't work out baby, but you're so young and you have lots of time for that.  My baby needs someone that truly cares about him.  Someone that he loves and someone--"

"Who's family isn't fucking lunatics!" Sam interrupts.

"And that." Jessica nods.


The next day- Easter.

"Happy first Easter, baby boy!" Jessica smiles and clips up his little outfit.

"You are such a cutie!"

He giggles and kicks his legs.

"Oh I love you so much, baby boy!" She gives him a kiss and picks him up.

Jessica heads downstairs and the boys were already down there.

"Oh my boys! You all look so nice! I swear daddy and I make the cutest babies ever!"

"Thanks! Happy Easter!" Sam smiles.

"Thank you, you too!"

James walks over and takes the baby.

"Eh!" Grayson starts whining and reaching for Jessica.

"Why don't you want your brother?"

He cries loudly and continues reaching for her.

"Grayson!" She laughs and takes him back.

He lays on her and pats his little hand on her chest.

"This boy!" She smiles and rubs his back.


They go to church for Easter service, and right in the middle of mass Grayson decides he's hungry.

"Ah!" He whines and hits his hands on her boobs.

"Grayson, no sir!" She whispers and grabs his hand.

Jessica bounces him and he starts crying.

Grayson hits his hands on her and throws himself everywhere as he screams.

Jessica sighs and grabs the diaper bag.

"You want me to take him, mom?" Sam asks.

"It's okay, baby. He's hungry, thank you though."

Jessica goes to feed him, and Grayson holds her boob in his hands while looking up to her.

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