We're almost complete

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Danny helps Jessica into a wheelchair and pushes her in to the hospital.

He was in a panic, but tried his best to stay calm.

The woman at the front desk asked Danny to sign papers as Jessica clinched her stomach and breathed in and out.

"Can't you at least get her into a room first?  She's in labor!"

"It's okay, honey.  I'm fine.. Ooh.. Ow.. Just sign them!"

"Okay."  Danny sat down and signed them as quickly as he could.

"I-I.. What's my name?" Danny's eyes widen as he blanks.

"Heh!  Honey.. Hurry!"

"Okay, I'm sorry!"

"Oohhh!" Jessica throws her head back.

"Ahhh!" Danny jumps when he sees her.

"Okay here!  Please take her to a room!"

"Right this way, please."

A nurse pushed Jessica while Danny held her hand and walked beside them.

"Oh it hurts!" Jessica cries.

"I'm so sorry, honey!"

"I just want her here!"

"She's on her way, baby.  You can do this."


Jessica changed into a custom made hospital gown and clipped her hair up.

She placed her palms on the bed and leaned forward as she swayed her hips from side to side.

"Danny, my hips!"

Danny rushed over and pressed her hips together as she breathed in and out.

"The doctor will be right in to check you, Mrs. Huston." The nurse says.

Jessica nods her head as she moans loudly.

"They're so strong, Danny!  I feel like I should be at least half way there with the way these feel."

"I hope you are!  Poor baby, I'm so sorry."

Jessica turns around smiles softly, then puckers her lips.

Danny leans forward and kisses her before helping her onto the bed.

"I can't believe it's happening!" Danny smiles and rubs his hand in big circles on her belly.

"I know!  Our baby is almost here!"

Danny kisses her belly and says, "Daddy can't wait to meet you, Novies!"

"Oh hearing daddy's voice made her excited!" Jessica giggles as Nova kicks hard.

"Such a sweet girl!" He baby talks.

The doctor knocks on the door before coming in with a nurse.

"Hello!  What are you in for today?" He laughs.

Jessica gives him a death stare and stays completely silent.

"Sorry!  How are you?  Ready to have a baby?!"

"Yes!  My contractions got SO much worse after my water broke! I'm hoping to be dilated a good amount." Jessica chuckles.

"Alright, well let's see how you're doing."  Jessica spreads her legs and he checks her.



"I really don't want to say this, but-"

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