It felt so real

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"So what do you wanna do today, honey?" Sam asked Jessica.

"I just wanna hold you." Jessica squeezes him tighter and lays her head on his chest.

"Aw, you're so sweet!" He holds her in his arms and kisses her head.

"Sammy, feel this!" Jessica giggles and places his hand on her belly.

"What is he trying to escape?" Sam laughs.

"Haha!  I think so!  Oh my gosh, he is kicking so much!"

Sam holds her stomach and talks to their unborn son.

"Hey Grayson!  I can't wait to meet you.  Mommy and I are so excited to be getting to do this all over again.  You'll only be like three years old when your brother goes off to college, so it's gonna be so different this time around.

But who knows?  Maybe mommy and daddy will give you a little brother or sister so that you're not lonely?" He kisses her stomach, then looks up at Jessica.

Jessica giggles and says, "I'll have all the babies you want me to have, Sammy Wammy!"

"Awe, pretty girl!"

Sam sits up and kisses her.

Jessica moans into the kiss, and smiles.

"I've missed your lips."

"What do you mean you've missed my lips?" Sam laughs.

"Baby, my dream was so real! It was.. It was horrible." Jessica starts to cry.

"Sweetie, it's okay! It was just a dream, sweetie.

I'm here."

Jessica looks into Sam's eyes and he holds her hand.

"Yeah.. Yeah you are." She smiles.

"Why don't you eat your breakfast?"

"Okay. Thank you."

"No problem, baby."


"Yes, sweetie?"

"I love you."

"I love you too, sweet girl." He smiles.


"Here comes the waddler!" Her son Samuel says as his mother makes her way down stairs.

"Leave her alone!" James hits him.

"Yeah, Samuel, leave me alone!"

"I'm just messing with you, mom!"

"Yeah baby, it's cute.. My little penguin!" Sam smiles and touches her belly, then kisses her cheek and neck.

"Samuel!" She giggles.

"Gag!" Michael yells.

"Oh shut it!" Sam says.

"Boys, when your mother has the baby, you all are gonna need to step up and help a little more around the house, yes?"

"Yes sir."

Jessica smiles while gently rubbing her belly.

"Ow!" She grabs both sides of her stomach.

A Second ChanceOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz