That's your daddy

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Jessica's hospital room was filled with her family, and Grayson was being passed around.

"When is Sam's brother and sisters coming?" Her sister Jane asks.

"His sisters are coming today, but his brother and his family is out of town till Thanksgiving."

"Awe, well I bet they can't wait to meet him!"

"Uh Jess.. He needs a diaper." George says holding him.

Jessica chuckles and hands him one.

"Okay, here you go."


"Haha!  I'm just kidding, give him to me!" She holds her hands out.

"Are you smelly, Grayson?" She baby talks to him.

Dorothy takes a picture and Jessica gives her a funny look.

"Ma, what are you doing?"

"I have to get his first dipey change by mama!"

"Okay!" She laughs.

Jessica lifts his legs and gasps.

"What?!" Dorothy panics.

Jessica cries and everyone becomes worried.

"Mom, what's wrong?" Sam asks.

"He has a birth mark on his tushy like daddy said!"

"In your dream?" Ann asks.

"Yes! Oh, I've never been so emotional changing a diaper before!" She cries.

"Aw baby!" Dorothy wraps her arm around her.

Jessica cleans him up and says, "It's a cute little birthmark too!"

She lifts him up so everyone can see the tiny mark.

"Aw, and what a cute little bumbee! It almost looks like a faint little heart!" Her mother in law says.

"See Grayson! Daddy did come to me! He knew baby boy, he knew!" She kisses him and holds him tight."


A little later Sarah, Evan and the girls came by.

"Jessie!" McKenna gets excited to see her.

"Hi baby!"

"Kenna, quiet!" Sarah gets onto her for being loud.

"No, it's fine! My family has been here so he's getting used to the loud noise." Jessica chuckles.

"Oh okay!" Sarah laughs.

"I wanna see him! I wanna see him!" She jumps up and down beside Dorothy who was holding him.

"Well come over here so you can see him, pretty girl."

They sit down and McKenna smiles with excitement.

"Daddy look! He's so cute!" She points.

"He is! Jess, he's adorable. Congratulations." He wraps his arm around her and kisses her head.

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