Birthday gift

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"You be good for Mr. Daniel, okay?"

"Yes ma'am."

"Alright, have fun. Daniel, thanks for letting him tag along."

"No problem! Enjoy your weekend."

"Thanks." She smiles.

Michael leaves with Zachary and his coach, and Jessica was leaving to pick the boys up from the airport.

"Mikey!" Grayson cries as Jessica changes his diaper.

"Mikey is going camping! But guess what?! Your other brothers are coming and they'll be here for a whole week! Isn't that fun?"

"Mikey!" He pouts.

"I know, Mikey's your buddy, isn't he?"

"Mmm!" He pouts.

"Well I'm sorry! He'll be back soon though."


"Look Grayson, there they are!

Boys!" Jessica shouts.

"Mom!" They run to her and give her a tight hug.

"Oh I've missed you guys! James! Your beard! Shave it!"

"You don't like it?" He laughs and gently strokes his beard.


"Well alright!" He chuckles.

"Sam! You're too thin!"

"Thanks mom." He smiles.

"We've been so worried about you, it's so good to finally see you.. Even if you don't like the way we look." Samuel chuckles.

"Oh stop it!"Jessica laughs and hugs them again.

"Grayson is so big!" James says.

"I big!" He jumps up and down.

"Yeah you are! Did you miss me?"

"No!" He nods.

"Well thanks."

Jessica laughs and says, "He loves that word, don't you, Gray?

Look.. Grayson, are you hungry?"


"Are you sleepy?"


"Do you love your grandma?"


"Do you love mommy?"

Grayson smiles at Jessica and throws himself forward.


"Awe! Haha, I guess he does know that word too!"


Saturday morning.

They picked up Denny's breakfast and went to visit Sam.

"So you know this guy Michael's with?" James asks.

"Yeah, it's his friend Zach and his dad.

Zach's mother passed away when he was only two, and his dad is so sweet. He coaches Michael's basketball team."

"Oh cool! Well I'm glad he's able to get out.."

"I know, poor baby has been through so much." Jessica pouts.

While everyone was eating and talking Jessica looked over at Grayson who was sitting up tall in front of his father's grave.

"Dada, *Babbles* Mama, Mikey... *Babbles*.. Dada! *Giggles* Luh yew!" He leans forward and hugs the grave, then kisses it.

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