Happy Halloween

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35 weeks.

4:00 am.

"Grayson, I'm gonna need you to step off my bladder if you don't mind.  This is the sixth time mama has peed in the past hour!"

Jessica goes to the bathroom to use the restroom, then washes her hands.

She catches a glimpse of herself in the mirror and raises her eyebrows.

"Grayson!  Did you drop?!  Sweet boy, what are you up to?  No wonder I've been peeing more!  Grayson, if you don't com early, then mama still has a month with you on her bladder!  But I guess it's better that I can finally breathe, huh?"


That morning Jessica waddles down to the kitchen and the boys stare at her.

"What?" She asks confused.

"Why is your stomach so low?"

"Your brother decided to drop in the middle of the night."


"Yeah, he's like right on my bladder and his head feels like it's in my vagina!"

"Ew mom!" Sam says grossed out.

"You need to stop acting like that!"

"I don't want to know about your parts."


"Samuel, I remember when you dropped, you were head down and buried in my birth canal for weeks!"

"Oh God!"

James laughs and Jessica says, "And you used to kick him further and further down!  You boys beat my vag so bad!  It was the most painful thing!"

"Sorry about that." James sighs.

She laughs and says, "I kinda have a feeling that this baby is coming early."

"You do?"

"Yeah!  Well for one, he dropped and I'm only 35 weeks, which my doctor told me that it's okay if he does.  It doesn't necessarily mean he'll come early.

I'm just happy he's already there and ready to come out!

Another thing is, I've been getting a lot more contractions. 

..I don't know, this may just be me wanting something to happen.

I guess I wanted him here before your dads birthday.. Then he could be this huge distraction for me... For us. I don't know.  It's stupid." Jessica looks down.

James stands up and puts his dishes away, then walks over to her and says, "It's not stupid, mom!  It's understandable.

Maybe he will be here before his birthday.  You still have a couple weeks, so just give him time." He rubs her belly.

Jessica smiles and kisses his cheek.

"Thanks, baby."

"You're welcome!  Now before I forget, can I go out tomorrow night?"

"Yeah, me too!" Sam adds.


"Nolan is throwing a Halloween party."

"Oh that's right, it's Halloween!  My pregnancy brain is just horrible!"

"Heh, it's okay!  So can we go?"

"Will there be parents there?"

"Yes." Sam answers quickly.


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