No kisses!

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New Years came and they spent it at the house together.  James invited his girlfriend, but other than that, it was just their family.

When break was over and it was time for the twins to go back to school, Jessica was upset because she always loved having her kids home, but it was nothing like the way she used to be.  She was proud of how much she's grown.
She had Danny and the boys to think for that.  She couldn't have made it this far without them. 


One day during lunch, Sarah and Jessica went to grab something to eat and catch up a little.

"So how is everything? The holidays are always so crazy and I-" Sarah stops mid sentence when she sees Jessica holding her straw with her left hand while drinking her water and blinding Sarah with her huge diamond ring.

"What is that?!" Sarah yells.

Jessica laughs and puts her hand close to her.

"Danny asked me!! We're getting married!" She smiles.

"Oh my GOSH! Congratulations!" Sarah hugs her tightly.

"How did he do it, tell me everything!"

Jessica giggles and says, "Well he proposed Christmas morning!" She smiles.


"I know! Listen to this.. He asked my dad, brother and boys for permission." Jessica folds her lips in.

"No way! How sweet!
Man! He got five guys to say yes to marry you? He's good!"

"Six! He asked Grayson too." Jessica smiles.

"Oh God! Jess, can I marry him?" She says making her laugh.

"So when's the wedding?!"

"I have no idea! We want a small intimate wedding, we don't need anything too big. We just want to be together and married."

"Oh stop it, you're killing me!"

Jessica chuckles and says, "Sarah.. Will you be my maid of honor? And no I'm not saying matron because it makes us sound old!"

"Haha! Of course I will!"

"Ah! Thank you!"


After work she goes to pick Grayson up from Jane's.

Jane has been out of town for the holiday, and that morning she picked him up from the house after Jessica left. Danny decided he wouldn't say anything and let Jessica tell her about them being engaged when she picked the baby up.

"Hi sweetie, how are you?! Gosh, you look gorgeous!"

"Awe, thank you! How are you? How's the family?"

"Amazing! They miss you guys!"

"Awe! We miss everyone too! I think I'm gonna take the boys over to see them during spring break."

"Oh they'd love that!"

"Yeah." Jessica smiles softly.

"So I saw Daniel this morning. He's so good with Grayson!" Jane smiles.

"Thank you! He's amazing..
Jane, there's something I wanted to tell you."

"What wrong, love?" Jane becomes concerned.

"Danny and I are engaged."

"Awe Jess! Honey, that's amazing." Jane gets tears in her eyes.


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