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December 10th.  Three weeks old.

"Are you excited to go to church today?" Jessica says getting Grayson dressed.

"This is the first time you've ever been out of the house!" She smiles.

"After mass we're all going over to grandma Dorothy's house.  You'll love that because you're gonna get all of the attention, huh?  You're a little ham and love getting all the attention, don't you, buddy?"

Grayson coos and kicks his little legs around.

"I know you do!" Jessica laughs.

"And guess what we're doing after your big brother's get off from school tomorrow!  We're gonna see Santa Claus!  Mommy can't wait to see you in your cute little outfit!  You're gonna be so cute, everyone is just gonna want to eat you up!" She says in a baby voice.

Grayson smiles and Jessica's smile grows.

"Is that a smile? Huh? Are you smiling at mama? Ah! I love you so much!" She bends down and kisses him.


For the first time in weeks, Jessica put a dress and heels on, did her hair and put on a little make up.

"You look so good, Jess!" Sarah tells her.

"Well thank you!"

"Seriously, you don't look like you had a baby three weeks ago."

"Haha! Well that's very kind of you to say!"

"It's true!"

"Alright enough."

Sarah laughs and looks into the carrier James was holding.

"Aw look at him in his fancy clothes!" She smiles.

Jessica giggles and McKenna runs up.

"Careful McKenna, the baby's asleep."

"I just wanna look at him!" She whispers loudly.

"He was just in your belly, isn't that funny?!" She looks at Jessica.

"That is funny!" Jessica chuckles.

Grayson slept though the first half of mass, but when he woke up he was a little fussy.

"I'm gonna walk with him in the back to calm him down." Jessica squeezes past her boys and makes her way to the back.

"Shh shh.. You're okay!

Here, mama has your binkie!  Will that calm you down, buddy?"

Grayson sucks on it and makes cute little whiny noises.

"Oh you're just so sad right now, aren't you?  You don't need a dipey.. You just ate.. Why are you crying?"

Grayson spits his binkie out and cries loudly.

"Oh no! You're fine, Grayson.. Shh, shh, shh!"

Jessica bounced him and walked back and forth.

"Hey, do you want me to take him?" Dorothy went back to check on her.

"It's okay, he's just fussy right now."

"Probably cause he doesn't know this place.. Poor baby!" She pouts.

Jessica looks down and continues bouncing him.

Grayson grabs her finger and sticks it in his mouth.

"What are you doing?" Jessica crinkles her nose.

"Well it calmed him down, didn't it?" Dorothy giggles.

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