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March 26th.

Jessica and Danny were driving with Grayson in the back seat, when they past this old church.

"Danny, stop the car!"

"What's wrong?!"

"Look at that church! Pull in."

Danny does what she asks and parks the car.

"I've never seen this church before.. It's so beautiful!"

"It is."

"I wanna see the inside!" Jessica quickly unbuckles herself.

Danny gets Grayson and they follow her.

The church took Jessica's breath away.  It was so beautiful.


"What baby?"

"I want it."

"It's a church, honey." He chuckles.

"No!  I want to get married here.  It's just so beautiful!"

The place was perfect.  It was gorgeous, but it was an old and tiny church.  To her it was the perfect place for them all to become one.

"It is really nice." Danny looks around.

"Can you see yourself marrying me here?"

Danny smiles and softly caresses her cheek.

"I can see myself marrying you anywhere, baby."


"But this place would just make it even more special.  Let's find someone to talk to and figure out how to make it possible."

"Awe Danny, thank you!" Jessica wraps her arms around his neck and lifts her feet.

He chuckles and grabs her back for support.

"Mommy, what you doin?" Grayson laughs.

She looks at him with happy tears and Danny says, "Mama's happy."

"Dat good, mama!" Grayson smiles and nods.

"Yeah baby." She giggles.

Danny stands Grayson up and he runs down the isle.

"Is that how you're gonna run down?  Huh?  Rings will be flying everywhere!" Jessica laughs.

"Oh he's gonna be so cute!" Danny smiles.

"I know."

Danny puts his hand on her lower back and she looks up at him.

"I can't wait to see you in a wedding dress."

"Oh Danny, we said it's not gonna be a big wedding, remember?"

"So you're gonna walk down in the nude?"

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