That's what mama's do

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"Here comes mom.  Are you okay?" James asks.

"Yeah.. I'm fine."


"Hey mom!"

"My boys!  Are you ready?"

"I am. *Chuckles* I'm getting married!"

"I know! *Takes deep breath* The moment you were born, I knew you two would turn out to be the amazing young men you are today.
... James.  You've always been my sweet boy." Jessica smiles.

"The moment you came out, you were a total mama's boy.  Always wanting to be by my side, and when Michael was born, you were always wanting to be my helper.  Sam was always like his daddy.  The jokester of the two.. The at times harsher one. *Laughs* But you two have always been best friends...
So now.. Seeing you two.. On your wedding day...
It makes me so proud.. That two young kids could raise such handsome and responsible boys.  Daddy and I will always be proud of you.. and we will always always love you."

James smiles and hugs his mother tight.
"I wish he was here, mom."

"Oh I know, baby.. He is here.. He's here with us.  He never left us.. Remember what he told us?"

"That he'd never leave." James says.

"That's right." Jessica wipes her tears and blinks fast.

"Now one more kiss.  Muah!  I love you, go get married!" She giggles.

"Heh.. I love you too, ma."

Jessica smiles at him, then looks down at his tie.

"Let me fix this!  Did Danny help you with this!"

"Yeah." He laughs.

"Don't ask him anymore."

"Haha, alright."

"Wait.. Is this daddy's?"

James nods and smiles softly.

Jessica traces her fingers gently over it with a small smile on her face.

"It was his graduation and wedding tie." He chuckles.

"It's a special tie.  I'm sure he'd be very happy that you chose to wear it on your special day." Jessica places her hand on his chest and smiles at him.

"Woo.. I need some wine." She looks down and walks away from them.

"Mom, you're pregnant."

"Oh right!" Jessica laughs and walks away from the drinks.

"Well then I need a snack!  Daniel!" She shouts his name.

"Your snacks are in the bag I packed for you, honey."

"That's why I married that man." She smiles.

"Oh Michael!  Zachary!  You look so cute and grown up in your little tux's!" She says in a high pitched voice as they walk past her.

"Thanks mom!" They chuckle.

"Mommy!  What are you doing in the boys room?" Grayson was shocked when he saw her.

"I'm the mommy, I'm allowed to be in here!"

"No!  No girls!" He nods and places his hands on his hips.


"There's no women back here."

"No women, huh?  What are you, the bouncer?"

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