The last game

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It's been two days and they are doing exactly what Sam wants, and that's for everything to remain as normal as possible.

Sam has excepted his fate extremely well, and is being his sweet, loving and funny self.

However, this sickness is taking a toll on him.

He can't do everything he wants, so of course that bothers him.

"Dad, don't worry about coming to the game tonight, you're too sick."

"No I'm not. I've helped couch this team for years, you think I'm gonna miss the last game?"

"Are you sure?"

"Yes! Now let's go!"

Michael looks at Jessica, and she sighs.

"Let's go, sweetie." She rubs his back, and calls the other two boys down.


Jessica sat with Sam during the game, but he kept going down and trying to help the way he always has.

"Honey, maybe you should sit for a little while." Jessica goes down when she sees he's starting to not look so well."

"I'm fine, Jessica!" He snaps at her and pushes her off his arm.

She just looks at him and he quickly apologizes.

"Jessie, I'm sorry."

"It's okay. I just don't want you to over do it."

"Yeah.. I'll um.. Let me just do something really quick, and I'll be done."


Sam gathers the boys around and says, "Boys, this is our last game together.. You know uh.. cause a lot of you will be going to different high schools, but uhm.. I just want you all to know how proud you have all made me. It's been really great being able to couch you guys. I wish you all a great four years in high school, and a terrific life.. Make me proud." His eyes water and he smiles, as he places his hand on the back of Michael's neck.

"We'll miss you couch! Will you come see our games sometime?" One of boys asks.

"... I'll be at every one."

Michael breaks away from the group and runs to the hall.

"Oh man.." Sam sighs.

"I'll be back.. You guys win this!" He smiles.

Jessica sees Sam follow Michael outside, so she stands up to go after him.

"Mom, don't! Let them be." James grabs her arm and stops her.

Jessica looks at him and sits down.

Samuel puts his arm around his mother and continues watching the game.

Jessica sits there anxiously. Staring back and forth from the game, to the door she was waiting to see them pass through.

Finally Michael walked back and sat on the bench.

"Boys, will you go make sure he's alright while I go check on your dad, please?"

"Sure mom."

Jessica walks out and calls his name.

"Sam? Sam?!"

She turns the corner and sees him by the lockers.

"Sam?" She says in a low voice.

"How did this happen?!" He bangs his fist into the locker.

Jessica jumps and stares at him as he continues.

"On Sunday we talked about the boys going off to school, Michael starting high school, and having another baby.. We were gonna start a new little life, and now... FUCK!"

Tears fall down Jessica's face, and Sam says, "They guys weekend.. Michael was gonna go this time.. Shit..

I should have know something was wrong... Jess.. Jessica, I am so sorry." He looks at her and for the first time, he cries.

"Sam honey, please don't be sorry!"

"I should have gone to the doctor sooner. I should have gone to my yearly check ups.. I should have.. Ah Fuck!!"

Jessica cries as Sam continues.

"How can I leave you this way? Jess, there's money, but not enough. My family, your family.. Let them help you! I know you're strong and you hate help from anyone, but please!"

"We'll be okay, Sam."

"Jessie, you need to sell the house."

"What? No! Sam, that's our house! We raised our boys there! I can't sell it."

"Yes you can. and you will! You've never worked , besides being a mom and a wife, so I know you're wondering what's gonna happen with that. Talk to your brother, and I'm sure he'll give you a job."

"Sam stop it! I don't wanna talk about this!"

"Jessica we have to! No matter how hard I try to act like it's not gonna happen, it is and we have to talk about it!"

"Sam, I don't want to lose you." Her voice cracks.

Sam holds her in his arms as they both cry.

Neither one of them wanted ever let go.

Jessica took in his familiar scent, and closed her eyes.  She tried burning this feeling into her brain so it could last a life time.

"Listen.. I'm gonna say this now, because after tonight, I don't want to talk about the future anymore."

"What is it, baby?" Jessica looks deep into his eyes.

"I love you more than anything in this world, and I love my boys just as much.  I want you all to be happy.  I want you to be happy, Jess. 

I want you to know that if you ever meet someone--"

"Oh Sam, stop it!"

"No!  If you ever meet someone and fall in love, I want you to know that you have my blessing... It's okay.  I want you to meet someone.  I don't want you to be alone."

"I won't be.  I'll have the boys, and I know that you'll never leave my side."

"That's true.  Just please promise me, you'll find someone who treats you and the boys well.  Someone that you truly love."

"Sam, the only man I'll ever love is you."

Sam smiles and gives her a hug.

"Whether it's a year from now, or twenty years from now, I just wanted you to know that it's okay."

"I love you, Sam."

"I love more, Jessica." Sam tries holding back tears.


That night Michael's team won the last game of the season, and Sam couldn't have been more proud.

They went out to eat and Sam kept telling the boys how proud they have made him, and how lucky he is to be their dad.

That night was also the last night they were all out as a family.

The next day, Sam took a turn for the worst.

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