Baby Huston

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Danny went upstairs to be with Jessica after he spoke with the boys.

He slowly opened the door and her back was facing him.

Danny sat behind her and rubbed her arm.

Jessica sniffled and Danny kisses her temple.

"It's not fair."

"I know, baby.."

"We've been through so much."

"I know we have.. But God has a plan for us.
Everything happens for a reason."

"There's no reason our baby died, Daniel."

"I know but.. Jessie, you have to think that maybe it was for the best.  The baby could have had something wrong with him, like heart problems for example... What if you kept that little guy inside of you for nine months, then something happened?  Im not saying it's better this way, but at lease we know they're safe.  She could have been born and lived in pain.. Right now our baby feels no pain, and she never will."

Jessica covers her face and cries quietly.

Danny wraps his arm around her stomach and pulls her close to him.

"I just wish things were different. Why can't the baby be safe with me? Why wasn't my body enough?"

"Baby, this wasn't your body's fault.. This just happens sometimes. Please stop thinking that way."

Jessica turns to her back and looks at Danny.

Her lips quiver and she holds her arms out to him.

"Awe baby." Danny lays his upper body on top of her and buries his face in her neck.

"I just feel like a horrible mother for saying those things about my baby."

"You didn't say any horrible things. You just weren't ready for a baby right now and that's okay, Jess."

"No it's not because God heard me and took my baby away! I wish I had never said those things!" Jessica bawls.

"Baby this isn't your fault, please believe me!" Danny wipes her cheeks.

"I just feel bad.. You wanted to have a baby so bad." She says losing her breath.

"No baby, stop. It's okay."

"I'm sorry, Danny. I'm sorry!"

"Jessica I'm not blaming you for this!"

"Why not?  It's all my fault!"

"Look at me!  This is not your fault, do you understand me?"

Jessica nods and Danny says, "Don't say it again!"

He sighs and lays beside her.

He touches her stomach and Jessica lays her hand on his. 

"Baby Huston.. Know that mommy and daddy love you more than anything.. And your brothers all love you too."

Jessica wipes her tears and Danny says.

"Babe, our baby has two very special people watching him or her.."

Jessica smiles softly and nods her head.

"Yes she does."

"She?" Danny smiles.

"Yeah.. *Shrugs* just a guess." She chuckles softly.

Danny kisses her stomach then lays on it.

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