Coming soon

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May 7th.

Jessica was off, so Tiffany and Sam invited her to their doctors appointment.

"I can't wait to see my grandson!"

*Smiles* "I'm really hoping this will be my last appointment, and little man will decide to come out soon."

"Speaking of little man, is my baby ever gonna have a name?" Jessica asks.

"Haha!  Sam and I have talked about names, but nothing seems to really pop out to us."

"Well when you see him, you'll know.  Believe me."

Tiffany smiles, then looks down and softly rubs her belly.


"Ah!  Here we go!" Jessica tries standing but can't.

"Oh my gosh!" She laughs.

"I'm not even gonna attempt it." Tiffany nods.

"I'm coming.  Okay, one, two.. And three!" Sam helps them both up.

"Ow!  Oh my back!" Sam jokes.

"Samuel!" Jessica hits him.

"Heh!  Just playing, mommy." He smiles cutely.
Jessica nods her head and rolls her eyes.

"Here mom, you can sit here."

"Thanks baby." 

Jessica sits down and let's out a deep breath as she rests her hands on her bulging belly.

"It feels nice to be here and know my vagina isn't the one getting poked at."


Tiffany laughs and Jessica says, "Well it's true!"



The doctor walks in and greets everyone, when he gets to Jessica, he smiles and shakes her hand.

"Are you a sister, or-"

"Haha!  No, I'm his mom." Jessica points to Samuel.

"But thanks for that!" She laughs.

"Oh!  Oh wow, everyone's having babies, huh?" He chuckles.

"Yeah." Jessica giggles.

The doctor goes over the routine questions, then checks Tiffany for dilation.  She was praying for good news.

"Looks like you're dilated about half a centimeter."


"Really?!  I mean, I know that's nothing, but at least it's not shut!  Haha, I'm getting somewhere!  We're doing this... Slowly, but we're doing this."

"That's great, Tiff!" Jessica smiles.

The doctor starts the ultrasound and Jessica stands up quicker than she had in a while.

"Hey, good job, mom!" Sam smiles.

"Heh!  Thanks, baby." Jessica pats his back.

The room goes silent when the sound of a strong heartbeat fills the room.

"Ah!" Jessica covers her mouth and widens her eyes.

"That's my grandson!" She tears up looking at him on the ultrasound.

"Oh look at those lips, and his cute little nose!  Oh he's so cute!"

"Thanks!" Sam smiles.

Jessica laughs and taps his arm.

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