Two years

263 16 8

That night.

Jessica bathes Grayson, then put his pajamas on him and she and Danny both get ready for bed as well.

The boys had their own room, so it was just the three of them.

"You get to sleep with mommy and Danny tonight!"

"Yay!" He claps.

They got into bed and Grayson climbed on top of Jessica.

Jessica chuckled and Grayson laid on her chest.

"He's all ready for bed." Danny pats his back.

"Yep!  I guess I am too." She laughs.

Danny smiles then says, "You know.. I've never spent the night with you and us both be fully clothed.

"Heh!  That's right!"

Danny looks at Grayson and gently rubs the back of his finger on his arm.

He smiles and says, "This is nice too."

"Yeah." Jessica smiles and kisses Grayson's head.

"I love you."

"I love you too." Jessica puckers her lips and Danny leans over to kiss her.


The next morning Danny woke up with Grayson's foot in his face.

He was completely sideways with his head on Jessica's chest.

He chuckles and pokes Jessica's side.



Heh.. Gray?" She looks at him laid out.

"It's been a while since I've slept with a baby." He laughs.

"I bet you've missed it, huh?" Jessica jokes.

"Actually I have."

She turns to him and smiles.

Danny sighs and gets out of bed.

"Ready for the water park today?"


"I'm so excited to get on all the sides!"

"You're just like a big kid, aren't you?" Jessica laughs.


Jessica wore a dark blue one piece swimsuit and a wrap around her waist.

She walked out and Danny smiled.

"You look beautiful." He holds her waist.

"Well thank you!"

"Mama!" Grayson reaches up and tugs on her skirt.

"What baby?" She smiles down to him.


"You want a baba?  Didn't you just eat some eggies?"

He nods his head yes and Danny chuckles.

"He's a growing boy, mommy!"

"I guess so! *Chuckles* Come on, let's go make you a baba." Jessica picks him up.

"I'll get it, you just finish with whatever you need to do."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, I've got it. *Takes Grayson* It's been a while, but I make a pretty damn good baba!"

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