You are so beautiful

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"Wow.. Well I love you too, Sammy.
  I guess this is it.  Thank you for sending me this amazing man, Samuel.  I love you forever, baby."

Jessica hears a knock on the door so she takes a deep breath, checks herself in the mirror and opens the door.

"Hey!" Jessica smiles at the twins.

"You ready?" James smiles and holds his arm out for her.

Jessica bites her bottom lip and nods her head.

"Let's do it!"


It was a small church, but it was perfect for their small intimate wedding.  Their guests included Jessica's parents, her siblings and their families, and Sam's mother who was like a second mom to Jessica. From Danny's side he only invited his mom and sister.  Sarah, Evan and their family were the only friends invited, but they were always more like family than friends anyway.

Danny walked out and Zoe couldn't help but shed a few tears.
Her baby boy was getting married, she was happy for him, but she was upset with herself for missing so much. All the years she missed out on her son and grandson's life hurt her so much.
The fear of her husband finding out she was there haunted her at every moment.
It was the middle of June and she was wearing a long sleeved dress to cover the bruises John gave her.
She didn't know what he'd do if he found out that she was there, but she tried her best to forget about him and just enjoy her son's special day.
Zoe watched as Zachary and Michael stood beside Danny. All three of them looked so handsome.

Grayson stood at the back of the church with a cheeky smile on his face. He looked a little confused as to why everyone was dressed up and staring at him.
Danny chuckled and motioned for him to walk towards him.

"Just like we practiced in the living room last night, bud!" Danny says in a loud whisper.

Grayson smiles, then giggles and quickly runs to him.

"Good boy!" Danny bends down and hugs him.
"Now go stand with, Mikey." He pats his back.
"Okay!" Grayson smiles and walks to Michael.

The music changes and Danny felt his heart start pounding. His palms became sweaty, and he took deep breathes as he waited to see Jessica walking down the aisle.

"There's our cue." Jessica says to the twins.

"Yeah.." James smiles at his mother, before kissing her cheek.

"We love you, mom." Sam kisses the other side.

"I love you both!"

The doors open and Danny sees his beautiful bride.

The biggest and most happiest smile appeared on his face.

"Oh my gosh." He whispers to himself.

"She's so beautiful. She's so beautiful." He says under his breath as his future wife walks down the aisle in her cream colored wedding gown.

In a room full of people Jessica could only see Danny, and he, her. 
Jessica's bright smile lit up the entire room.

Danny didn't care how many people were there, when he saw her, he couldn't hold his tears back any longer.

When they got to the front of the alter Jessica hugged her boys and Danny gave them a quick hug before they took their place.

"Oh my gosh! You're so beautiful." Danny says looking at Jessica like she's made of gold.

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