My little Princess

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"Danny, what do you think our grandchildren should call us?"

"Grandma and grandpa."

"That's old and boring!"

"No it's not!!"

"I think I wanna be Gigi."

"What about Mamaw?"

"Cute.. I like Gigi!" She smiles.

"I think you're a cute grandma. Just stay with that."

"No! I'm way too young for that! You can be Pops!"

"No I like grandpa."

"But then you sound old!"

"Well I AM old!"

"You're thirty seven, dad!" Grayson says.

"Thanks for remembering, bud!"

"Well if you want to be old then go right ahead. I'm his Gigi! Isn't that right, little baba!" Jessica baby talks.

Samuel giggles and reaches is little hand to her face.

"You're so cute! Oh no and those are my boobs! Honey, if you're hungry, you need to go back to your mommy. Gigi doesn't do that for you." Jessica says handing him over to Tiffany.

"Again, little guy? Man, this kid can't stay full!"


Later that evening after dinner, Tiffany went upstairs to take a shower while everyone stayed downstairs. Jessica and Grayson were playing with Samuel and Sam was holding Nova.

"Well hello, pretty baby! How's your day been?"

Nova baby talks and blows bubbles with her mouth.

"That tough, huh?"

Jessica smiles as she holds Samuel.

"It's still so crazy that you had her! I have a little sister! How are you real, precious?"

"Awe! What a sweet brother!" Jessica says in a cute voice.

Nova smiles and scratches her little face.

"Oh Sam, keep her from doing that! Danny, go get her mittens!"

"She still needs them?"

"As long as she's clawing at her face, babe."

"Okay, I'll be back."

Baby Samuel started to fuss so Jessica stood up and bounced him.

"Your mommy will be right back down, honey. Shh, shh, shh, you're okay."

"You wanna trade, ma?"

"No it's okay. Spend some time with your sister. She seems to be liking you right now."

Sam chuckles and continues talking to her.

When Danny comes back into the living room with Nova's mittens he smirks at Jessica lightly bouncing the baby. His eyes went to her round behind, "Damn! Granny's got it goin' on!"

Jessica turned to him and rolled her eyes.

"Put those mittens on my baby, you dork!"

He chuckles and lightly slaps her butt before walking over to Sam and the baby.

"Danny, why must you do these things to me?"

"Heh! Sorry, Sam!"

"Here's your child. I'll take my son so you can continue this granny fetish nonsense you've got goin' on here."

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