You're my DAD!!

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"You're gonna be my really real daddy today!"

"I am, Gray!  Are you ready?  You don't want to back down now, do you?"

"No!" Grayson laughs.

"Well good!  I'm glad!"

Jessica walks in with the baby and Danny takes her from her, "Hi beautiful little bug!"

Nova gives him the tiniest smile and stretches her little arms and legs.

"You cutie!" Danny chuckles and kisses her cheeks.

"You are the most pretty little girl I have ever laid my eyes on.  Do you know that?"

Nova coos in the sweetest little voice.

"Oh you do?"

Jessica laughs and Grayson hugs Jessica tightly.

"Hey my handsome boy!  Are you ready for your big day today?!"


Jessica chuckles and picks him up.

"And mommy, don't be sad because my other daddy is still my daddy!  He ALWAYS will be!"

"I know that, baby.  You're just lucky enough to have TWO daddy's!"

"Yeah I'm SOOOO Lucky!"


Grayson wanted to dress up for the occasion.  He wore his best suit and insisted that Danny matched him.

"Look at my guys looking so handsome!"

"We do look pretty sharp, don't we Gray?" Danny taps Grayson's arm.

"Yeah!  We look so good!  Take my picture!" Grayson poses for Jessica with a serious look on his face.

"Haha!  Got it!"

"One with daddy too!"

"Well get in there, daddy!"


Grayson wanted all of his brothers there, Micheal and Zachary are still at school, but the twins, Caroline, Tiffany and of course baby Samuel all came to support him.

"Lookin' good, Gray!" Sam says.

"I know." He smiles.

Jessica chuckles and taps his head. 
"Say thank you, you goon!"

"Thank you, you goon!" Grayson says to Sam making James crack up laughing.

Sam rolls his eyes and baby Samuel starts fussing.

"Ahhhh enough of that!" Sam says to him.

"Samuel!  Don't yell at him!" Jessica pouts.

"Why not?  He's yelling at me!  Besides, look at him."

The baby was just staring at him not making a peep.

"He thinks you're crazy.  Don't you Samuel?  Don't you think your daddy's crazy?  Well you are So right!" Tiffany says lightly bouncing the baby up and down.


After everything is finalized the judge smiles at Grayson as he smiles back with so much excitement in his eyes.

"Well congratulations, Grayson."

"Is he my legal daddy!"

"Haha, he's your legal daddy!"

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