Aunt Nova

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The baby stayed on Jessica's bare chest for a little while after birth. Jessica just rubbed her back and spoke to her in a soft voice.

"Oh baby girl, I'm so happy you're here! Thank you for finally coming out of me, Nova... Mommy loves you, pretty girl. You have no idea just how spoiled you'll be!"

"She's beautiful, baby." Danny looks down and smiles.

"She is.. I can't believe she's ours."

Danny bends forward and kisses Jessica's forehead.

"Daddy, would you like to cut the cord?" The nurse asks Danny.

"Yes!" He smiles and grabs the scissors.

"All free!" Jessica smiles down to the baby as Danny finally separates them.

"I can't believe how perfect she is.. I knew she'd be cute, but wow!"

"She looks just like her mommy, babe."

"You're such a sweetie!"

"Jessica, Danny.. She's so beautiful.  Congratulations, you two."

"Thank you, Dorothy!"

"Thank you, and thank you for coming in!  I've had a lot of births, but not quite like hers.  It was so hard!  Maybe it's my age, I don't know, but that was tough!  I knew I needed my two biggest supporters by my side." Jessica smiles.

"Awe baby!  I was so happy you wanted me in here!" Dorothy kisses her daughter's temple.


The nurses take the baby to get cleaned of, and to check her weight and height while Jessica delivers the after birth.

"Good, just give me a small push." A nurse says rubbing and pressing down on Jessica's stomach.

Jessica pushes and the nurse says, "Okay. You're done!" She chuckles.

"Heh! Thank God.  Nothing else is ever gonna come out of there! That section is Closed!" Jessica says making everyone laugh.


"Look at him just staring at her, mom." Jessica smiles at Danny who looked like he was just hypnotized by his daughter.

"I know!  He's such a good man, Jessie."

"Yes he is! He's one of the best."

Danny took pictures of Nova and just cried.

"That's my little girl. She's mine." He points.

"Aw baby, come here." Jessica holds her arms out.

Danny hugs her while their daughter was being weighed.

"Jessica Phyllis Lange Shepard Huston, you have my whole heart. I love you, baby."

"I love you too, Danny."

"You're so great, Jess. You're so so great. I hope you know how special you are to me."

Jessica rubs his back as he buries his face in the crook of her neck.

"Who would've known that you could make a thing like having your crotch sewn back together.. so special."

Danny laughs and kisses her

"Sorry to interrupt, but this baby girl is hungry." The nurse says smiling with their daughter in her arms.

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