Little Ladybug

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"Mommy that smells yucky!" Grayson backs away from Jessica as she tries applying his green face.

"Well I'm sorry but this is what you wanted.

"I taste it!" Grayson gags.

"Well don't lick your lips, Gray."

"I don't like it!  I don't like it!"

"You want me to take it off?"

"No then I'll look dumb without the green paint!"

"Don't say that word!" Jessica taps his mouth with the makeup sponge.

"Sorry." He groans.

"Once it dries it won't bother you as much.

"Hey Jess, I think Nova's hungry." Danny says walking into the bathroom.

"Okay hand her to me."

"You want me to finish up on Gray?"

"No that's fine, I can multitask." She says adjusting herself so that the baby could eat.

Grayson looks down and laughs as Jessica continues doing his makeup.

"You're so crazy, momma!" He nods.

"Hey!" Jessica laughs.

Jessica finished his face and sprayed his hair black.

"I look like you, daddy!" Grayson smiles.

"You do!" Danny chuckles.

Danny dressed Nova in her ladybug costume and she was all smiles a giggles.

"Look how happy she is, mommy!" Danny smiles.

"Ah! My beautiful girl!"

Nova giggles making Jessica giggle as well.

"I just wanna eat you up!"

"Don't eat her!" Grayson grabs Jessica's arm.

"I'll try to control myself, baby." She chuckles.

"And you! Daniel.. Hah! Khakis are not your look."

"Thanks!" Smirks.


"My gorgeous little ladybug and my handsome, Frankenstein!  Let mommy get some pictures of you two!"

"Smile, Nova!" Grayson says standing next to his sister who was propped up on the ground.

Nova looked up to her big brother with wide eyes.

"Novies honey, look at me!" Jessica snaps her fingers.

Nova looks to her mother then back at Grayson in confusion.

"She's so confused!" Danny laughs.

"I know!  Well I got some cute pictures anyway!  We should get going."

"Sam!  Tiff!  We're leaving!"

"Alright mom, we'll see you there!" He shouts.


This was the first time James and Caroline hosted a party with this many people, but all went really well.


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