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On the way to the hospital Jessica started to get really dizzy but she pushed through.

She had already taken too long and she wanted to be there when her father got out of surgery.

Her siblings had noticed that she seemed a little spaced, but figured she was just worried and not in the right state of mind.

"Here Jess, I brought you some coffee."

"Thanks Jane.."

"You okay?" Jane sits beside her and rubs her back.

Jessica nods and looks down to the steaming coffee.

"We told him to take better care of himself, We Told Him!"

"I know but he's stubborn! I love daddy, but he did this to himself."

Jessica sighs and takes a sip of her coffee.

"How are your kids doing?" Jane asks trying to get both of their minds off of the surgery.

"Good... Well Mikey.. He's been a little depressed and.. Worried. He has anxiety and it's gotten worse."

"Oh no, poor Michel!"

"I know...I feel terrible.

Grayson's doing great." She smiles softly.

"And the twins- Oh God the twins! What do I tell them?! If I call now then they'll want to come up here. If I don't and something happens then I'll never forgive myself!" Jessica immediately goes into a panic mode.

"Jessie calm down!" Jane wraps her arm around her and rubs her arm.

"Do I tell them? They can't leave school now! What do I do?!"

"Jessica, let's just see how the surgery goes and tomorrow we can call them."

"Please tell everyone not to post anything about daddy on Facebook. If they see it in there first, they're gonna hate me!"

"I'll tell them not to post anything. And Jessica, they won't hate you!"

Jessica sighs and rubs her chest.

"You need to calm down, Jess."

"Calm down. That's all anyone can tell me! You think I can control this? Jesus Christ!"

"Jessica stop! You're gonna make yourself sick, and you can't do that! We need you now."

"I know.." Jessica looks down and starts to silently cry.

Jane doesn't say a word, she just wraps her arms around her and gently rocks back and forth.

"I hate being this way. I hate it!"

"Oh Jessica.." Her heart breaks for her sister.


It's been six hours! What the fuck are they doing in there?" Jessica says.

Sarah rubs her back and Jessica sighs.

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