Worth the wait

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"It's my last day of school today!  I did it, mommy!"

"You did!  I can't believe you've completed preschool!  Mommy is so proud of you, Grayson!"

"I'm proud of me too!  I'm sooooo smart!"

"Yes you are!"

"Now I'm gonna be in kindergarten!"

"Awe!  My baby is getting so big!"

"I am!  I can count, and I can color more gooder!"

Jessica chuckles and Grayson continues.

"I can do so many things, because I'm a big boy now!"

"Yes you can!  Now stand over here so I can take your picture."


Grayson smiles and Jessica snaps the picture.

She lowers the camera and smiles with tears in her eyes.

"What's wrong, mommy?"

"You're just such a big boy now!  You look so much like your daddy, Grayson."

Grayson smiles and hugs Jessica.

"You give the best hugs!" Jessica closes her eyes and holds her son in her arms.


"Happy anniversaryyyyy!" Danny sings.

"Thank you, baby! Happy anniversary to you too!"

Danny climbs on top of her and kisses her lips.


"Heh!  Times up, honey."

Danny chuckles as he climbs off of her and gets the baby.

"Why are you crying like that?  Huh?!  What's the matter, pretty girl?  Ew you're stinky!  You're a stinky baby!"

Nova cries even louder and Jessica holds her arms out.

"Oh my poor baby!  Bring her to me, Danny!"

"Let me change her first, so she can eat comfortable."

"Okay, thank you."

"No problem.  Let's change this yucky dipey!"

As Danny changes her, Nova continues crying.

"She does not like to be changed!"

"No she doesn't.  Plus she's hungry, poor baby!"

"There we go!  All clean!  You ready to go to mama?"

Jessica gets herself ready and Danny hands her the baby.

Nova latches on immediately and Jessica gently rocks her.

"Oh you're starving!  My poor princess!"

Nova hums while she eats, then coughs a little.

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