His Daddy's smile

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"I'm 36 weeks today!  I'm full term, which means the baby can come at any moment now!" Jessica says walking downstairs.

"That's weird!  This pregnancy has gone so fast!" Sam says.

"I know!  This kid is almost here!"

"We should try to get him out now!" Michael excitingly says.

"I've been googling it and there are a ton of things you can do to get him out!

It's Saturday, and you're off, why don't we do it now?"

"Now?" Jessica laughs.

"Yeah, why not?  You're ready for him, aren't you?"

"Well yeah."

"We can start off with a walk.

We can go all the way to grandmas!"

"Heh!  And who's gonna drive back and pick my ass up?"

Michael laughs and says, "Well we can just do the rest of our exercises over there!"

"You're really into this, aren't you, Mikey?" Jessica laughs.

"Yeah!  I just want him here!"

"Alright, then let's do it!

Grayson, you've been evicted, buddy!" She looks down and pats the sides of her belly.


Jessica threw on some leggings and one of Sam's jersey's from his favorite team, and some boots.

She didn't bother putting makeup on, and she clipped her hair up, away from her face.

"Alright, I'm ready." Jessica says out of breath from walking down the stairs.

"You okay?" Sam asks.

"Yeah, he's just getting too big!" She circles her hand on her stomach.

Five minutes into their walk, Jessica stops.

"Ah! Hang on, guys!"

"You okay?" James asks.

Michael gets a big smile on his face and says, "Alright it's working!!"

"Heh! No.. Ow.. It's just Braxton hicks." Jessica breathes in and out.

"Okay.. I'm better now." She stands up straight and fixes her shirt.


"Boys I have to pee!"

"We're almost to grandmas."

"You don't understand! I'm gonna pee on myself!"

"Mom! You can't!"

"I'm going behind that bush!" She tiptoes away in a hurry.

"Mom stop! It's only like two minutes away!"

"Samuel, I can't hold it!" Jessica hides behind the bush and the boys turn around.

When Jessica is finished, she runs back laughing.


"Somebody saw me! Let's get out of here!" She laughs.

"Oh God! Only mom!" Sam rolls his eyes.


They knock on the door and Dorothy opens it.

"Hey! I wasn't expecting you! Come in!

Oh Jessie, look at you! Your belly dropped even more! He's so low now!"

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