Best Birthday

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The next morning.

"Danny, wake up!" Jessica lightly shakes him.

"Wakey wakey, birthday boy!" She softly kisses his cheek over and over again.


Jessica giggles and says, "Daniel!"

"What?" He mumbles.

"Happy Birthday!"

"Thanks baby." He slowly opens his eyes and smiles softly.

"Our wonderful son's made breakfast!"

"That's sweet!"

"Mhm! You hungry?"

Danny smirks and says, "I'm hungry for a lot of things, baby."

"Danny!" Jessica laughs and taps his chest.


"It's not mama's day anymore?" Grayson asks Zachary.

"Well everyday can be mama's day, she certainly deserves it. But today is also daddy's birthday!"

"Daddy's birthday?!" His eyes widen.


"DADDY! DADDY! DADDY!" Grayson runs to the stairs as quick as he can just as Jessica and Danny were coming down.

"Heh! Hey buddy!"

"Daddy, it's your birthday! Happy Birthday!!" He jumps up so Danny can him up.

"Thank you very much, Grayson!" He kisses his

"I love you!" Grayson wraps his arms around his neck and holds him tightly.

"Awe Gray, I love you more!"

"No, I love YOU more!"

"Not possible, little dude." Danny says with a smile.

Jessica smiles and pats Grayson's back.

"You are such a sweet daddy.
... and Grayson, you're such a sweet boy! And so are your brothers! Man, something smells good!"

"There's eggs, momma!" Grayson pops his head up and gives her a big smile.

"Yummy!  Did you make them?"

"Mhm!" He nods.

"Oh wow, I'm impressed!" Jessica giggles.


"Sorry we're late for breakfast, but little man is quite a bit of work!" Sam says holding the baby.

"Not my grandson!" Danny says.

"Yes your grandson! He's a little pain!"

"Don't say that about my baby!" Jessica pouts and holds her hands out so Sam can hand him to her.

Jessica takes him and in a baby voice she says, "Come to grandma, precious! What's that? I look to young to be a grandma? Oh you are just the sweetest little boy!" She says giving him a kiss.

Sam chuckles, then turns to Danny and says, "Happy Birthday, Danny."

"Thanks, son!" Danny stands up and gives him a hug.

"Happy Birthday! So what do you have planned for today?" Tiffany asks.

"Well Jessie has a doctors appointment, so we're gonna do that, then I guess we'll get some lunch and head back home. I don't wanna go too crazy. I am an old man now after all." He chuckles.

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