A new little baby

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Danny took Jessica out for lunch after her doctors appointment.

"I can't believe you're pregnant!  I'm so happy!"

"Me too!  When I heard that little heartbeat, I didn't know what to think!"

"I know.  Your face was priceless!" Danny chuckles.

"So was yours! *Laughs* We were definitely surprised!"

"Yes!  When can we tell this kids?"

"Not for a little while.  Just in case.. you know.."

"Yeah.. Well we can wait till Mike and Zach are here for Thanksgiving break.  Can we wait that long?" He chuckles.

"Well I'll be like thirteen weeks pregnant by then.. I do start showing pretty soon, but I'm sure I can hide it. I'll tell Sarah and maybe my parents though."

"I just want to shout it to the whole world that we have a little love bug on the way!"

"Awe! You're so cute!"

Danny smiles and Jessica says, "I'm kinda surprised I haven't gotten sick. My morning sickness is always so horrible!"

"Well maybe it won't be as bad this time."

"I don't know, I'm sure it'll hit me sooner or later." Jessica chuckles.


A few days later Jessica went over to Sarah's.

"How's my little godson doing?" She says taking him from Sarah.

"Good! He just ate, so he's a happy boy." Sarah smiles.

"Awe! Look at the happy look in his eyes!" Jessica chuckles.

"So Sarah, I'm sorry I haven't gotten back to you about the whole surrogate thing-"

"That's fine, it's not an easy decision to make."

"Yeah.. Well, first I just want to thank you for offering, that is literally the sweetest and most selfless thing anyone has ever done for me."

"Awe." Sarah smiles.

"But um.. Well I'm afraid we wouldn't be able to do that right now. It just.. It's not possible."

"What do you mean?"

"Don't say anything but.."

"Oh my God." Sarah realizes it before it's even said.

"I'm pregnant."

"Jessica!" Sarah screams loudly, scaring the baby.

"Awe!" Jessica looks down to Asher and tries calming him down.

"Oops, mommy's sorry! Oh my gosh, Jessica! How far along are you?"

"Nine weeks." She smiles.

"Awe! I'm so happy for you!"

"Thank you! I was completely shocked. I went in and they ran blood work, but that wasn't the reason I was there.. It's a long story, but Danny was talking to me when they doctor put the heart monitor on my stomach and the scanner for the ultrasound. We heard the little heart and and looked up and there it was just wiggling all over the place!" Jessica giggles.

"Oh wow! That's so exciting, congratulations!"

"Thank you so much!"


October 25th- 10 weeks pregnant.

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