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"They're gonna take my baby to get poked, Danny! Go with her so she's not alone." Jessica pouts.

"Can I go back there?"

"Yes sir." The nurse smiles.

"Okay, then I'll back. You want me to send someone in?"

"No, I'm just gonna rest for a second."

"Alright, I'll be back." He smiles softly.

"Okay, bye bye." Jessica smiles cutely and waves.


After Nova got her shots, Danny brought her back to the room. By now everyone had gone home for the night.

"Oh my pretty girl! You're back!" Jessica smiles.

"She did really well, mommy!"

"Awe, did she? Good job, Nova! Let's celebrate with some boobie time!"

"Ooh! Daddy would like to celebrate too!" Danny smiles.

"Calm your nasty self, Daniel."

Danny chuckles as he hands Jessica the baby to be nursed.

"Oh you poor baby, you were so hungry!"

"Momma is too, baby! I'm so hungry! Dannyyyyy!" Jessica whines and gives Danny a pout.

"What do you want, baby?"

"Well I'm starving, but I don't want to eat anything too heavy.. I guess I'll take a sandwich."

"Okay, what do you want to drink?"

"Water is fine. Thanks, baby."

"No problem.  I'll be back."

"It's just you and mama now, Princess!  What should we talk about?" Jessica giggles.


"Here's your sandwich, mommy."

"Thanks, daddy!" Jessica smiles.

"Danny, look at this pretty baby!  She's just too gorgeous!"

"Isn't she?  I can't believe we have a baby together."

"I know.. Nova, mommy and daddy worked so hard for you!"

"Especially mama." Danny adds.

"But you're here.. We prayed and prayed, and now.. You're finally here." Jessica smiles.


James and Caroline's POV.

"I want my mommy!" Grayson cries.

"I know, bud.  You'll see her tomorrow, okay?"

"Why can't I go home?  What if mommy, daddy and the baby are there without me?" Grayson rubs his little eyes and pouts his bottom lip.

"They're still at the hospital, Gray.  They would never go back home without you!"

"Not without me?  Mommy's little man?"


"I wanna go to my room!"

"Awe!  You don't wanna sleep with brother and Caro?" Caroline pouts.

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