It's your wedding day!

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Two days later. 

"Grayson, you're supposed to tell someone when you have to go potty, remember?"

"Mhm." He nods.

"Well then why didn't you tell me, goofy?"

"I forgot!"

"You forgot?  Okay, but next time tell me, alright?"


Jessica chuckles and takes him to change his diaper.


"Gray, do you have to potty?"

"No mama." He nods.

"Okay.  You're gonna tell me if you do, right?"


"I think you're irritating him, Jess." Danny laughs.

"Yeah, I think so.  Remember, Grayson!"


"Hey, don't yell at me, mister!"

"I sowy."

Jessica couldn't help but smile.

"It's okay, smelly booty!"

"Hey I not smewy!"

"Oh I'm sorry!" She smiles.


June 14th.

Tonight was the last night in the house before Danny and Jessica got married.

The wedding was going to be very small, so it wasn't like they were going to have a proper rehearsal and dinner.  Instead, the twins cooked one of Jessica's, and now Danny's favorites, and they all spent some time together.

"This dinner was absolutely delicious, thank you so much, boys."

"You're welcome, mom!"

Jessica stands up and massages Danny's shoulders.

"Boys, can I speak with you for a second?"

"And Mikey and Zach, can I speak with you two for a second?"

"Sure.. Is everything okay?" Michael asks.

"Yeah, everything's fine!" Jessica smiles.

Jessica's POV.

She took Grayson in there with them, and he fussed to sit on her lap.

"Boys.. I uh.. First thank you both so much for your support.  I truly appreciate it, and I love you both so much."

"We love you too."

"Daniel and I want to make all of you boys apart of this wedding, because it's really about our two families coming together, right?"

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