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Two weeks later.

Daniel has taken Jessica out a few times, but so far they have not told anyone else.

"So Jessica.. How about we make us an official thing."

"Hmm?" Jessica smirks.

"Wanna be my girlfriend?"

"Hah!  Well I'd love to!" Jessica laughs.

"Good!" He grabs her waist and pulls her body to his.

"Ooh!" She giggles and kisses his lips.

"Daniel.. My Danny.." She plays with his collar.

"Jessica.. My Jessie."

Jessica laughs and goes on her tiptoes for a kiss.

"Danny!" Grayson runs to him and grabs his leg.

"Hey Gray!" He picks him up.

Jessica smiles as she watches them together.

"Hey Jess, I was wondering if you wanted to take the boys to the fair this weekend? It'll be our first outing together with the kids."

"Oh that sounds fun! Hey, I was gonna ask.. When do we tell everyone about us? What do we say? My brother and Sarah are the only ones that know."

"You can tell them whenever you're ready."

"The only one I'm afraid to tell, besides my boys is my mother in law.. She told me that she wanted me to move on and meet someone, but.. I don't know.. I'm just nervous."

"I understand, sweetie."

Jessica focuses her eyes on Grayson and softly caresses his arm.


"Grayson!" She smiles.

"I gotta get back to the office."

"Okay. Come here, Gray. Say bye bye, Danny!"

"Bye bye, Dan!" Grayson smiles.

Jessica laughs and straightens his shirt out.

"What do you two have planned for the rest of the afternoon."

"I think we're gonna go see grandma Jane.. Wanna go see grandma, Gray?"


"You gonna tell her?"


"Good luck." He touches her arm and kisses her cheek.

"Mm!" Jessica puckers her lips.

He laughs and kisses her.

"Hey dat my mama!" Grayson laughs.

"I'm sorry, you little stinker!" Danny tickles him making him laugh harder.


"Jessica! Grayson! Oh how's my boy?!" Jane takes him from Jessica and kisses his cheek.

"Hi honey, how are you?" She gives Jessica a hug.

"I'm great, how are you?"

"Oh I can't complain! Come in and sit! Are you hungry? Thirsty?"

"Oh no, I'm okay. Thank you."

"No problem. So, how are the boys?"

"Good! The twins will be home in about a month, and then I'll have them all home with me all summer! I'm so excited!"

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