Will you be my mother?

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Jessica decided not to see the psychiatrist, and to keep her diagnosis between her, Danny and Jane.
This news was hard for Jessica and a lot to take in, but with Danny by her side helping her day by day, she knew she would be okay.

When Jessica did have bad days, Danny would sit with her and talk to her.  He told her that is was okay to cry and to be angry, and that he was there for her.

The first few weeks after finding out that she wasn't pregnant was extremely hard on her.  She was still feeling sick and her stomach was still slightly bulged.  She felt as though she was going crazy.  Jessica didn't understand why she was like this and felt embarrassed for even having this illness.  She's been pregnant before and couldn't understand how she could even feel this way.  How could she not have sensed a difference?  She questioned her sanity everyday.


April 20th

Today was Jessica's birthday.  She's improved and hasn't been as down lately.  Danny and the boys just wanted her day to be special.  Even though the boys didn't know what was going on, they sensed that something was wrong because of her mood.


"Happy Birthday, beautiful girl!"

"Thank you, honey."

"Breakfast is ready for you, my love. I have the day off, we can do whatever you want." Danny smiles and wraps his arms around her.

"Thank you, baby."

"You know, Mrs. Huston.. I've been in love with you for two years, and it seems like just a blink of an eye.
I remember seeing you for the first time.. Man you looked so gorgeous!  All I wanted was to make you mine."

Jessica looks into his eyes and says, "You have me."

A small smile appears on Danny's face.

"That's right.  You're all mine now!"


Later that evening they all planned to go out to dinner.  While Jessica was getting ready, Zachary pulled Danny into his room.

"Dad, I want to ask you something... Now, I've been thinking about this for a really really long time, and I know this is what I want."


"I want Jessica to adopt me so that I'm legally her's.
I'll never forget my mother, but.. Well I've never really had one.  I know I'm older now, but... I'll always need a mom.. and that's Jessie."

Danny smiled softly and said, "I think she'd love that, son."



"Jess.. I have something to ask you."

"Go ahead, sweetie." She smiles.

"I've been thinking.. A lot, and.. I wanted to know if you would adopt me?"

Jessica gasps lightly and her eyes tear up.

"I love you like you're my own mom, Jessie.. It would only make sense to make it legal.  So.. Will you be my mother?" He chuckles.

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