Five years

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Later that day Jessica and Danny's family all came over for Christmas dinner.
Grayson couldn't wait to show everyone his new puppy.

"Grayson!  Who is this?" Dorothy smiles.

"Gramma, this my new puppy!  Baby Fred!"

"Baby Fred?" She chuckles.

"His names Fred but I call him baby cause he's my son."

"He's your son?" Dorothy laughs.

"Yeah, gramma!"

"Well that's so cool!"

"Yeah, Sam wants my puppy, but I say No Sir!"

"Heh!  You're so adorable."


New Year's Eve.

The boys were all out, so Jessica, Danny and Grayson went over to Sarah and Evan's.

"Oh my goodness, Sarah!  Look at you, darling!"

"I know!  I'm getting so big!"

"You're carrying low, I think it's a boy!" Jessica says rubbing her belly.

"I don't know!  Two more weeks till we find out, I'm so excited!"

"That is exciting!"

"Riley!  I brought Fred!"

"Yay!  Let's go play with him!"

The kids take off to go and play, and the adults all sit in the living room waiting for the food to be delivered.

"Jess, you want a beer?  I'm gonna grab one for the guys."

"Yeah!  Here, I'll help you." Jessica gets up and they walk to the kitchen.

"So how are you?  How's everything going?" Sarah asks.

*Sighs* "Okay I guess."

"You don't sound okay."

"I'm just tired of always feeling like a failure."

"Honey, you're not a failure.  You've had four boys and that's something to be proud of!  Down put yourself down."

"I know.. I just know how much Danny wants a baby, and how much Grayson wants a sibling.. He's so obsessed with babies right now."


"It's okay.. I'm trying hard to except it.. It's just hard, you know?"

"Well of course.  I'm here if you need to talk."

"Thank you." Jessica smiles softly.


By the time the ball dropped all of the kids were already passed out.

"Look at these party animals!" Jessica chuckles looking at the three of them asleep cuddled up under one blanket.

"They're so adorable!" Sarah says.

"I know." Jessica yawns and says, "We should get going.  I'm gonna run to the restroom first." She pats Danny's thigh and stands up.

"Okay, baby."

When Jessica went to the bathroom she saw blood on her underwear.  Not just spotting, this was obviously her period.

Jessica cried and cried, she was so happy.

Once she was finished she washed her hands and called Danny.

"Are you okay?  Why are you crying?"

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