She's my rock

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Danny and Jessica quickly changed and Danny took Grayson straight from his crib to his car seat.

Jessica was an absolute mess.  She bawled all the way over to the hospital which made Grayson upset as well.

"Why mommy sad?"

"She's okay, bud.  She's just having a rough day."

"Why I in these clothes?"

"I'm sorry, Gray, we left in a hurry."

"Dats ok!"


When Jessica got there she ran over to her father and hugged him tight.

"Daddy, where is she?  Is-is she okay?!  How did this happen?  She was the strong one!"

"I don't know, baby.  I'm as shocked as you are.  I really don't know what happened."

"Have they told you anything?"

"No." Albert nods his head.

"I just.. I can't believe this is happening to her."

Jessica wipes her father's tears and gives him a hug.


As they wait for the doctor to come out and talk to them Jessica calls the boys.



"Yeah.  Is everything okay, mom?"

"No.. Uh, Danny and I are at the hospital.  Grandma had a stroke.. My mom."


"The doctor hasn't spoken with us, just tell your brothers.. and pray for her, please."

"We will.  I'll take them all.  What floor is she on?"

"Second.  Be careful, please."

"We will.  Love you."

"I love you too."

Jessica went back to the waiting room and sat beside Danny.  He wrapped his arm around her and kissed her head.

"Mama!  Mama!" Grayson runs to her.

"What baby?"

"Annie gave me snack!"

"Good." Jessica gives him a soft smile.

"Open it?"

"Say please."


Jessica opens it and hands him the snack.

"Want some?" He holds it up.

"No, I'm good.  Thank you, baby."

"Mmm.. Nom nom nom." He stuffs his mouth.

Jessica can't help but chuckle at his cuteness.

"Don't choke!"

"I not!"

"Is it good?"

"Yeah!" He nods and walks over to Albert.

"Gampa, where gramma?"

Albert sits him on his lap and kisses his cheek.

"She's a little sick, so the doctor is helping her get all better."


"Mrs. Lange's family?"

Everyone stands up and asks how she's doing.

"Mr. Lange, your wife has suffered from an ischemic stroke.  We've given her a drug; tPA, or Tissue plasminogen activator.  It's meant to break down or dissolve any blood clots.  It's a good thing the ambulance came so soon.  A few more minutes and there might have been nothing we could do."

Jessica puts her hand on her chest and takes a deep breath.

"So how is she?  What's next?"

"We'll see how the medication works, keep her heart monitored and give her fluids through an IV."

"If the medicine doesn't work.. Is there anything else you can do?"

"If the medicine does not work, I will be honest with you.  She could go into cardiac arrest, or suffer from another stroke.  She's very weak right now."

"So you're saying if this happens, she won't make it?" Jessica says getting even more upset.

"Jessie, don't." George gently pulls her arm and holds her.

"No, but is that what you're saying?" She slightly raises her voice.

"Unfortunately, yes."

Jessica's bottom lip quivers and she bursts into tears.

George holds her and rubs her back, then tries walking her away from the doctor.

"Jess, she's in good hands.  They're taking good care of her, she's going to be fine."

"George, I'm scared!"

"I know.. I am too.  But I know she can do it.. She's so strong.. Stronger than each one of us put together."

Danny walks over to comfort Jessica, so George hands her over.

"Hey.. It's gonna be okay.  Your mom is a strong woman.  She'll be fine."

Jessica looks up into his eyes with red puffy eyes.

"But what if she's not?"

"Don't say that."

"No!  What if she's not?!  She's my rock, Danny. 
My mom is my rock!  I couldn't live without her!  She's always been supportive of me even when I disobeyed her!  I was fourteen and pregnant with twins, but she took care of me!  She went to my appointments with me, she rubbed my back, she was there when they when I gave birth, she helped Sam and I raise all of them!  She's done everything!  Why is this happening!  I just want for once in my life, for my happiness to stay.. I hate it always being taken away from me."

"I'm sorry..
She doesn't deserve this.  Your mom is a wonderful woman..
All we can do is pray."

Danny didn't know what else to do, so just held her in his arms.


The boys and Caroline got to the hospital and joined everyone in the waiting room.

"Mr. Lange, your wife is up.  Would you like to see her?"

"Yes!  Can my kids come too?"

"She's very out of it at the moment.  It would be best if you came alone first."


"I must warn you first that she may have difficulty remembering and speaking.  Also her mobility at the moment is not great."

Albert swallowed hard and shook his head.


When he walked in, he hated the sight.  Dorothy was hooked up to machines, and she looked so small and weak.

He sat beside her and held her hand.

"Hi beautiful." He speaks softly.

Dorothy looked his way, but not into his eyes.  She didn't seem like herself at all.  Albert could definitely see a difference.

"The kids are all here.  The son in law's, and daughter in law's are here..
So are the grandkids.. Little Grayson is being a terror right now." He chuckles.

"We're all praying for you to get better as soon as possible, Dee."

Albert looked into her eyes, hoping to get some sort of emotion from her, but got nothing."

He brought her hand to his face and kissed it, then laid his forehead on it and cried.

"You're the strong one.  I need you!
Please please get better.. I need you."

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