Little assistant

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"Oh my gosh, I love you!"


"I-I mean I.. Heh!  I'll be right back."

Sam leaves the room and Tiffany's eyes widen.

"Oh my gosh!" She whispers as she brings her hand to her mouth.

Tiffany uses her phone as a mirror and fixes her hair.


*Gasp* "Oh my gosh!" She grabs her chest.

"Sorry!  I was just wondering what you wanted to drink?"

"Oh um.. Water!  Waters fine." She smiles.

"Okay.  I'll be back."

Tiffany nods and Sam leaves the room.

"Ugh! *Rolls eyes* Nice one, Tiff!"


The next day Sam went over to James' house.

"Dude, I think I'm in love!"


"Yeah! She was feeling uncomfortable last night, and couldn't sleep, so she asked to sleep with me--"

"Like sleep with?" James slightly raises his eyebrows.

"No, just like lay in bed with me."


"Yeah, but then I got a little too close and kissed her shoulder and took in her sweet vanilla scent!"

"Heh! Nice."

"Shut up, it was great! The thing is, I didn't know she was up."

James laughs.

"I lied and said I was dreaming."

"Oh nice save, bro." James says sarcastically.


James rolls his eyes and Sam continues, "We ended up playing video games till four in the morning! She even told me to get myself chips and a beer."


"Dude.. You can't play video games without chips and a beer." Sam rolls his eyes.

"Oh right, sorry. You you like her, huh? Got the hots for your baby mama?" He smiles.

"I do! James, this is such a weird feeling, I don't know what to think.. All I know is I want her to have my babies!"

James looks at him and Sam clicks.

"Oh right! Haha! Check!" He says making a check mark in the air.

"How are we twins?"

"Shut up!"

"Are you gonna tell her that you have feelings for her?"

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