It's not time

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Once Jessica was hooked up to the IV Danny called the house.


"Well hello to you too, Sam."

"What's up?"

"Your mother's in the hospital."

"What! What's wrong?"

"She's dilating, so they've got her on an IV.  We're hoping it'll be enough to stop the labor."

"Oh my gosh, how did this happen?"

"The doctor says its stress."

"Stress?  Why is she stressed?"

"Really, Sam?"

"I've gotta get over there.  I have to talk to her."

"It's fine, just tell you brothers.  I'll keep you guys updated."

"I'm going over there!"

"Alright.  Just please don't say anything to make her more stressed, please." Danny says that last part in a low voice.

"I won't."


"How are you feeling, honey?"

"Okay.. They're not as close together as they were."

"Well that's good.  I told you she'd be fine."

Danny places his hand on the part of her belly that was not covered by the fetal monitor.

"What are you doing trying to get out early?  Huh?"

Jessica chuckles and Danny continues.

"Mommy has made it nice and cozy in there, and feeds you numerous times a day, how could you wanna leave?"

The baby kicks Danny's hand.

"She's telling me to shut up, isn't she?"

"I think so!" Jessica nods and laughs.

"Well you need to listen to me!  Stop trying to make an early appearance.  You're definitely not like your mommy, because your mama is Always late!"

"That's true!" Jessica giggles and smiles softly.

They hear a soft knock on the door, followed by Sam entering the room.


"Hey Sam.  Come on in." Danny says.

Sam walks to Jessica's bed and grabs her hand.

"What?" Jessica says coldly.

"Mom, I'm so sorry.
I didn't mean for this to happen.  I didn't mean to make you so upset."


"No, don't.. Just listen.
I just want you to know that I'm sorry.  I know I was wrong.  I promise you I'll do better.  I'll get a job, I promise.  And I'm sorry about what I said to Danny and Grayson.  I know that was wrong of me, and I wish I could take it back."

Jessica just stares at him and Samuel breaks down.

"Mom, I'm so sorry!  I'm so scared.  Please be okay!"

"I'll be okay, Sam."

"What about the baby?  If something happened to her, I couldn't take it."

"So far she's doing good.  I was only dilated half a centimeter, so I hope they'll be able to stop it.... We have hope."

"Well that's good.
Mom, I hope you know how sorry I am.  I swear that I'll show you that I can be a good father, brother, and son."

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