Thank you

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After work Jessica drove to her parent's house to pick up Nova.

"Hi my precious girl!  Muah!  Mommy missed you!

How was she, mom?"

"An angel like always!  How was work?"

"Good.. Thanks for watching her."

"No problem!  I love spending time with my littlest love." Dorothy smiles and softly brushes her finger on Nova's little arm.

Jessica looks down and smiles.

"She's so pretty, isn't she, mom?"

"Yes she is!  Good job!" Dorothy laughs.

"Haha, thanks!  Well let's get going, little one.  Say bye bye to grandma."

"Bye bye, Novies!  Thanks for the visit!"


Once getting home she started on dinner.

"Mom, don't worry about cooking for Tiff and I.  We're going out to eat with her cousin."

"Oh okay!  You kids have fun.  Let grandma give kissies to her handsome handsome boy!"

Jessica takes the baby and kisses him all over.

"You be a good boy!  I'll see you later, precious."

A few minutes pass and Jessica hears the door open.

"Mommy!  Mommy!  Guess what!"

"What, baby?!"

"They let daddy pick me up!  I'm home and not stuck at school!"

"Awe!  That's good honey."

"See?  I told you mommy would fix it." Danny smiles.

"Yeah.  So mommy, whats for dinner?  Where's my sissy?"

"Spaghetti, and your sister is in the living room."

"Oh good!" He takes off before hearing Jessica finish.


"Oh man!" 

"Sorry bud.  She'll be up soon.  Why don't you go upstairs and change out of your uniform and I'll finish up on dinner."

"Okay!  I'll me back!"



"Where's my kiss?"

"Oh!" He giggles and runs back to kiss her lips.

"Thank you!  Now go change, baby."

"Okay.  Daddy hug me!" Grayson runs to Danny and he picks him up.

"Oh my boy!"

"Daddy after dinner can you play a game with me?"

"Of course, bud!"

"Yay!  Daddy, you're the best man I know."

"Awe!  Thank you, Grayson!  Guess what?"

"What!" Grayson's eyes widen.

"You're the best little buddy I know."

"I am?!"


"Wow!  Thanks!" Grayson smiles.

"Haha, you're welcome!" Danny hugs him then puts him down.

Grayson runs out and Jessica turns the stove down.

"Can I talk to you, baby?"

"Sure.  What's up?"

"When you brought up adopting Grayson.. I have to admit I didn't like the thought of it.  Not anything towards you but I just can't help but think of Sam.. I had a long talk with George and I.. I'm just so incredibly thankful that I met someone that loves my son this much.  You love him like your own and for that I am so so grateful." Jessica tears up as she speaks to him.

She takes a deep breath and says, "This morning Grayson asked me something.."


"He um.. He wants you to adopt him."

"He does?" The biggest smile appears on Danny's face.

"Yeah.. He does.  and seeing the way you are with him.. Danny, I know his father would be so thankful to you.. I know he would approve of my decision.. Danny, I would be more than happy if you were to officially become Grayson's father."

"Re.. Really?" Danny's eyes immediately tear up.

Jessica nods her head and holds her tears back.

"Oh Jess.. Thank you!  Thank you so much." Danny hugs her tight.

"I love you, Danny.  Thank you.. Thank you for loving him as much as you do."

"Honey, you don't have to thank me.  I love our family.  Separately we've been through some tough shit.. together we've been through some tough shit, but together we are great and so strong.  I love your boys so much and have connected with each one in such a special way.  With Grayson.. I've known him since he was a year old.  I've seen him grow and develop this amazing little personality.  I thank God.. and Sam and Camille everyday for bringing us together.  I would be honored to be that little boy's father."

Jessica smiles and grabs his face in her hands before giving him a kiss.

"What's this?  Cut that out, cut that out!"

"Grayson!" Jessica laughs as she pulls away from Danny.

"Hey bud, come here! 
Can I talk to him now?"

"Go ahead!"

"What?  Is mommy gonna have another baby?" He asks as Danny picks him up.

"No!" Jessica quickly answers.

Danny laughs and continues, "No, there's no babies.  Gray, I want you to know that I love you very very much and.. if it's okay with you.. I would like to adopt you."

"You mean.. be my legal daddy?"

"Yeah." Danny nods.

"Oh my gosh!  YES!!  Then I could Really Really have a daddy!"

Jessica smiles and tears fill her eyes.

"Momma, I know my daddy Sam would be happy, he told me so!"

"Did he, baby?"

"Mhm!  Oh I'm so happy!" Grayson says tearing up.

"Baby, why are you crying?" Jessica asks.

"I'm just.. I'm so happy, mommy." He smiles as a tear slowly falls down his cheek.

Jessica wipes his cheek and cries a little more herself.

"Thank you for wanting to be my daddy."

"Oh bud, of course I wanna be your dad!  You're a great little guy." Danny smiles.

Grayson smiles and wraps his arms around Danny and hugs him tight.

Watching them together Jessica felt so happy.  She knew this was the right decision.

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