I love him

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"Mom don't pay any attention to him. We're happy for you." James sits beside his mother and wraps his arm around her.

"Thank you baby.. But I can't be with him if one of my kids doesn't feel comfortable with me dating."

"Mom, fuck Sam!"


"I'm sorry, but he's an asshole and you deserve to be happy!"

Jessica cries harder.

"I love him so much, James." Jessica looks sadly into his eyes.

"Well that's good, mom!" He rubs her arm and holds her tighter.

"I just wish Sam was happy for me."

"It's just a shock right now, he'll turn around."

"What if he doesn't? James, I don't want to be alone."

"You won't be, mom."


Samuel's POV.

Sam drove over to his grandmother's house to talk to her.

"Samuel! Oh my goodness, what a surprise!" Jane hugs him tight.

"Hey grandma, how are you?"

"I'm going well! When did you get in?"

"Just a little while ago."

"Well come in! Have you talked with your mama?"

"Yeah.." Sam looks down.

"Do you know?"

"That she's betraying my father? Yes."


"She told you?!"

"I met him."

"Oh my gosh, how could she do that to you?"

"Sam, I told her that I wanted to meet him. They've been going to church together."

"Are you kidding me?"

"Sam, your mother has been alone for over two years. She has been to hell and back. You've given her trouble, she's had a baby alone, she's raising him alone, she's gone through depression and anxiety all alone. No she's not actually alone, but without Sam she feels alone, I know she does.

Samuel, I'll admit that it was hard seeing her with Daniel for the first time, but seeing the smile on her face.. It's something I haven't seen in a long long time.

He's so sweet to her, and Grayson loves him.

No one can replace your father, and that is not what she's trying to do.

She needs someone there for her. It's time for her to be happy."

Sam had tears in his eyes.

"I guess I didn't think-"

"Damn right you didn't think! What did you tell her?"

"I.. I wasn't very nice to her."

"Samuel Roger Shepard.. Your daddy wouldn't want you to be this way. He would want you to welcome this man into your family with open arms. Don't let this pull you away from them. Your mother needs her baby.. Don't make her give up someone she loves."

"She loves him?"

Jane slowly nods her head.

"Oh wow.." Samuel takes a deep breath.

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