Happy Anniversary

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"Happy anniversary, mom." The boys hug her.

"Thank you boys." She smiles. 

We made you some French toast."

"Oh boys, you're so sweet!  Thank you!"

"You're welcome.  How are you?"

Jessica takes a deep breath and says, "I'm doing okay.. It's weird.. But I'm okay."

"Mom I was just wondering.." James starts.

"James, not now." Sam interrupts him.

"Why not?"


"What's going on?" Jessica asks.

"Do you want to go to the cemetery today?"

Jessica just looks at him and doesn't say anything.

"I told you not to ask!  You have to let her do it on her own time."

"No.. No, it's fine. 


No I-I can't."

"That's okay.  I just didn't know if you wanted to visit him."

Jessica's bottom lip quivers and James moves next to her.

"Mom, I am so sorry!  I didn't mean to upset you."

"No!  You're fine!  It's just hard for me to go over there knowing that he's-" Jessica begins to sob.

"No, don't cry." He wraps his arm around her and pulls her close to him.

"Maybe one day, but not today.

I'm sorry if that's bad, but.. I just can't do it.. Not yet."

"No don't apologize.  It's okay, I understand."

"Thank you..

I can't even imagine how I'll feel on his birthday."

"I know, mom.  Just stop crying, you're gonna make the baby upset." He places his hand on her stomach and feels his unborn brother squirming around.

"He's always playing around, isn't he?" James chuckles.

"Yeah!" Jessica smiles.

James kisses the top of her head and stay in that position until she feels better.


Later that day Jessica went into the game room where the boys were and asked, "Boys, do you watch your father and I's wedding video?"

"Yeah!  I don't think we've ever seen it, have we?" Michael smiles.

"No, I don't think so."

Samuel puts it in for her and they sit on the couch in the game room.


Right before they walked down the isle, Sam knelt down to talk to the boys.

"Hey guys!  Lookin sharp!" He smiles.

"We look nice!" James smiles.

"Haha!  Yes you do!

Boys, we're about to go in the church and mama and I are gonna say a loooot of words, but guess what!"

"What?!" Michael widens his eyes and lifts his hands, with his mouth in an 'O' shape.

"Heh!  Mama and I are gonna be married when mass is over!  Isn't that cool?"

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