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James carefully turned his mother on her side and prayed it would soon be over.

After a few seconds Jessica's body slowly started to calm down.


Jessica didn't say anything, she just looked around with a confused look in her eyes.

"Are you okay?"

Her lips slightly parted but she still didn't speak.

They were worried the seizure might have caused more damage than they thought.

"...What... Happened?" She says in a voice so low it was almost nothing at all.  Her eyes were half shut and she looked so weak.

"You had a seizure.. You're gonna be okay though, mom.. It's okay.. We're gonna take you to the hospital. How do you feel? Can you breath alright?"

Jessica moves her head and makes a small noise.

"You okay?"

She lightly nods her head no and he asks, "Are you gonna be sick?"

She nods yes and he looks around for something but it was too late.

"I'm sorry.." She cries.

"Don't be. It's okay! Just let it all out." He rubs her back.

Jessica grabs her stomach and moans in pain.

"Mama!" Grayson cries reaching for Jessica. 

"Mama's okay, bud!  She's gonna be okay.." Michael bounces him lightly.

"He's scared, Mikey.  Get him out of here." James says still trying to comfort his mother.

"Right in here." Sam says with paramedics following behind him.

They first make sure Jessica is okay and alert enough to be moved, then they put her on a stretcher.

"I don't want her going alone, can we go with her?" Sam asks.

"We can only have one person in there with her."

"Sam, you go with her and I'll clean up and take the boys over to the hospital with me."

"You sure?"


"Okay, I'll let you know what's going on."

"Thanks.. Oh and Hey!" James pulls him aside.

"Don't be stupid.  Make her feel safe.  Hold her hand and talk to her.  Do what dad would do.  She's scared right now.. Dad would speak calmly to her and ease her mind."

"If dad were here she wouldn't be like this!  We should have done something!"

"Sam, I know you're upset, but you can be upset later.  She needs you!"

"Yeah.. Okay." Sam nods.

James cleans up the mess and quickly packs the baby's things before heading to the hospital.


When Sam gets there they take her back, leaving him alone.

He was a wreck he didn't know what to do.  His mother was sick and he felt helpless.

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