Don't ever forget that

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The next day.

"Jessica! I'm here for birthing class!"

"Go away!"

"Jessica!  You're not even dressed!" Jane was irritated because she told Jessica to be ready by nine o'clock.

"My pj's are just too comfortable to take off!" She whines as she lays on the couch in pajama pants and a shirt way too small for her.

"Ugh!  Am I gonna have to dress you myself?!"

"No!  Back away!" Jessica lifts her leg.

"Jessie, come on!"

"Jane, why are you being weird about this?  It's just birthing l class!  I've had three kids!  Two of them at the same time!"

"Congratulations.  Now get dressed!"

"No.  I already know how to give birth, I could give that class myself!"

"Oh you could give advise to all the first time mothers!" Jane smiles.

"Jane, Leave!" Jessica kicks her legs.

"Come on or I'm stripping you down butt naked right here!"

"No, my boys are here!"

"Then get your ass up!"

"Ugh!"  Jessica rolls her eyes then rocks herself in attempt to stand up.

Jane grabs her hand and yanks her up.

"Dammit!" Jessica yells.


"Pull my damn arm off, why don't you?"

"Sorry!" Jane laughs.

"What do I wear to this?"

"Anything!  What did you wear when you and Sam went?"

"Shorts and a Red Hot Chili Peppers concert tshirt."

Jane cracks up and Jessica says, "I was fifteen!  *Sighs*  Whatever, I'll find something."

She walks towards the stares and Jane says, "Ah it's back.."

"What's back?" Jessica turns around and sees her smiling.

"The pregnant lady waddle."

"I am Not waddling!"

"Jessica, it's not a big deal!  You're pregnant, geez!" She chuckles.

"We'll still.. Don't watch me walk!"

"Just hurry, please."


"Oh you look cute!" Jane smiles.

"I don't." Jessica says with a blank face.

Jessica had a messy bun, no makeup, leggings and one of Sam's T-shirt's.

"Yes you do!

.. Sam used to love that shirt!"

"Yeah..." Jessica looks down and rubs her hands on the material surrounding her belly.

The baby kicks and a soft smile appears on her face.


"Hm?" She looks up.

"You okay?"

Jessica stays silent, and nods her head up and down.

Jane gives her a hug and they stay there in silence for a while, until Michael comes down and says, "Hey, aunt Jane! What are you doing here?"

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