What are we?

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"James keeps texting me, I told him that I'm fine! He needs to just enjoy himself. If he's gonna worry about someone, he better worry about Samuel with my Grayson!" Jessica chuckles.

"Hah!  Poor kid, he called in such a panic."

"He was worried about his mommy!" Jessica speaks in a baby voice.

"I know.  The other two are as well."

"I know.  Wanting to hop on a plane right now!  Where is their minds?!"

"Haha, they're good boys."

"The best!" Jessica smiles.

"Yep! And we're gonna have the best little girl ever as well! Right, honey?" Danny smiles.

"Oh yes, definitely!
Hey babe, I was thinking and I really want to take Grayson to some sibling birth classes. I didn't do that with the twins when I was carrying Michael, but I've been reading, and I think it might me helpful. They'll show him how to hold a baby, he'll be able to meet new little friends that also have a siblings on the way. They'll just help him understand a little more of what's going. I know he understands that there's a baby in mommy's belly, and he likes feeling his little sister move, but when she comes out it'll be totally different!"

"Well you know best, I only had Zach. I think he'd have fun. If you think it'll benefit him, then I'm all for it."

"Good. *Smiles* I think they have some classes starting pretty soon...
Speaking of my baby, I better call Sam and make sure Grayson's in bed."



"Hey Sam, how are things going?"

"Good, mom. Great!"

"Really? Hey, is that Grayson in the background? He should be in bed!"

"I know, but see.. There was a little accident."

"An accident? What happened?"

"He tripped and accidentally bumped his head."

"How did he fall?"

"Um.. He was.."

"He was what?"

"He was running to his room and tripped."

"Oh no!"

"Is that mommy? Let me talk to her!"

"No Gray-"

"My baby wants to talk to me? Put him on, Sam!"


Sam holds the phone down and whispers, "You ran from me and fell. That's the story, don't screw this up, little guy."

"Okay." Grayson smiles and nods.

"Hello, mommy." Grayson smirks.

"Hi baby! How's your head?"

"Okay. But Sam is lying."

"Grayson!" Sam shouts.

"He is? What happened, baby?"

"He pretended to be a monster in the hall while I was in the tub, and he scared me, so I jumped out and hit my head and cut my leg open!"

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