I want to stay here

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I rolled over in bed to find Bella next to me. She must have got in sometime in the night but I didn't hear her. I checked my phone before she started to stir next to me.
"Hey monkey" I said to her as she put her arm over me.
"Hi Isla"
"Did you have a good sleep?"
"Yeah, I couldn't sleep in the night so I got in with you"
"That's alright, are you alright?"
"Yeah, can I tell you something?"
"Yeah, what is it?"
"I don't want to live in weatherfield with grandad and Kate anymore, I want to stay here with mummy"
"So do I, Bella but I still have exams to do and what about all your friends?"
"I'll make new ones, at my new school, I miss mummy too much when we're in Manchester"
"I know Bella, maybe we could talk to mummy about it?"
"But not yet maybe this afternoon"

We both went downstairs to find mum and Nick in the kitchen. Bella had gone into the toliet and as I turned the corner I caught a glimpse of them standing opposite each other, Nick had his hand on mums bump and they were kissing.
Bella flushed the toilet which caused the to separate and wipe their lips.
"Mummy" she yelled as she ran into the kitchen and straight into mums arms.
"Hello gorgeous" mum said as she hugged her too. She was now too big to pick her up.
"Hi Nicky" I said as I followed in behind her and sat at the table.
"Hey smiler" he said.

As we ate breakfast at the table, mum and Nick kept making looks at each other. Obviously Bella never caught on but I did every so often. After breakfast, Nick went upstairs to get dressed and Bella went into the snug to watch tv.

"I saw you" I said to mum as she handed me a dirty plate to put in the dishwasher.
"Saw me what?"
"Kissing Nick"
"Ssshh Isla" she said, "I don't want Bella hearing, not yet."
"That's the thing though, she was telling me this morning how she wants the four, sorry five of us to live down here together, she doesn't mind living with Johnny and Kate but she misses you and she misses Nick." I told her. She paused and stared out of the window.
"What was I thinking?"
"What was I thinking, leaving my daughters over 6 hours away without me?"
"It's not your fault, I understand why you did it"
"But you both need to be with your mum"
"Thanks mum"
"It's alright Isla smiler" she said as she pulled me into a hug
"It's all gonna be alright" she said again.

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