Johnny and Kate arrive

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Aidan hadn't been around for long when his Dad, Johnny and sister, Kate showed up. Mum and Aidan were sat in the office and I was sat on the small sofa in the corner on my phone. Bella was at nursery and Elsa was at school.

Suddenly there was a lot of noise in the factory, I looked up from my phone and to see Johnny standing in the doorway and Kate just behind.
"Dad? Kate?" Aidan said as they walked in
"Johnny Connor" Mum said as she looked surprised, they hugged and Johnny turned to me
"now this must be little Isla, who isn't so little anymore" he said and he hugged me too. I stepped back and Mum put her hands on my shoulders. "Last time I saw you, you were about three, right Kate?" he said but Aidan and Kate weren't listening.
"What you doing here?" Aidan said "what did you think that we wouldn't find out?" Kate said
"I have come for my money. Do you really think I wouldn't find out Aidan?" "Wait hang on what money?" Mum said
"it's just it's a bit tied up in something right now" Aidan told them
"excuse me are you saying that the money you paid me is not yours" Mum exclaimed
"are you saying my money is tied up in this place?"

They argued a bit more it was mostly between Aidan and Johnny. Kate and I sat down on the sofa after I made everyone a tea. When we had finished, Kate asked me
"where's Michelle?"
"She is probably at the pub, do you wanna go over there?"
"Yeah sure I haven't seen Michelle in years."
"Let's go then, Mum we are going to the pub to see Michelle"
"ok darling can you go and get Elsa at three please?"

As we got outside and walked down the steps, Kate said
"who's Elsa?"
"She is my little sister, well half sister. She is five"
"I didn't know your Mum had a new fella,"
"she doesn't, not really, I mean Elsa's Dad died just after she was born but there's Bella as well"
"who's Bella?"
"My other little sister, her dad raped mum and got her pregnant with Bella and Harry but he died before they were born." As I said it, Kate stopped and tugged my arm back
"Carla went through all of that. I have heard about Harry though"
"that's not even the worst of it but she copes, sort of." We carried on walking and arrived at the pub.

After chatting for a while I realised I needed to go and get Elsa.
"I need to go and get Elsa" I said
"can I come?" Kate asked
"I would love to meet this little Elsa" "yeah sure" and we left to go and get Elsa.

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