Chapter 99

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Kimberly's pov_________________________

Bekah and I arrived in the city and we split up looking for Nik. I then spotted Hope walking around looking for her father. 

"Hope" I walked over to her. 

"Leave me alone" She continued walking away from me, but I followed closely behind her. 

"Hey, Hope" Marcel appeared. "Hope. Come on, Hope. We both know firsthand what he's up against. The voices, the rage" 

"He's in this mess because he's trying to save me just like always" Hope said.

"Look, you put him down, he got back up. You put him down again, the same thing's gonna happen" I said.

Hope turned to us. "So what, I'm an orphan at 15? God, you guys are always saying that I need someone to take care of me. Well, who's gonna take care of me if he goes? Uncle Elijah and Aunt Kim, no they have their own family to deal with, you?" 

"Hope, I'd always take care of you" I said.

"Of course, you will, but my point is everyone has their own never-ending life to live. So, guys, just go and let me have my last moments with my father" Hope twisted her hand and I felt another aneurysm.

I groan in pain, holding my head. "She's got to stop doing that" I said.

Marcel and I looked back up and she was gone. "Hope!"

"Find Hope, find Nik" I said and we rushed into the crowd to look for her.

It wasn't until I heard Nik's voice in the distance, and then Hope's. "Marcel, listen" I said and he did. 

We arrived at an alleyway where Elijah snapped Nik's neck and Hope stood in front of them sad. 

We brought him back home, and Elijah placed him in the study on the couch. 

"I don't want to think the worst, but my mind keeps going there" I said.

"We'll save Niklaus, I won't allow him to die" 

"But you would let yourself die? You have a daughter who needs you as well" 

"It was in the moment, I want to be there for Natasha and you" 

Nik then woke up and looked at his arm, then he looked at us. "Give me back the stake" 

"In good time. Niklaus, if indeed this is to be the end, you own it to your family, to your daughter to say goodbye" 

"Please, don't lecture me, Elijah. You have no idea the agony of being a father, loving someone so much you cannot bear to see them in pain" 

"I think I might have some" 

"Yeah, he's getting there" I said.

"You've tried to orchestrate my life, to make me a better man, and for that, I honor you. You both have to let me do this my way" Nik stood up and faced us. "Alone. No goodbyes"

"We could stop you" Elijah said.

"You could try. Please. This last time. Let me be" Elijah didn't say anything else, he moved aside and Nik passed him.

Elijah and I went downstairs, we saw Nik outside on the balcony. "Where the hell is he?" Caroline walked in.

"Hey, he's upstairs, outside" I said and she walked upstairs. 

We overheard Caroline say she wanted a tour of the city and Nik took her. 

"Mom, Dad" Nat walked over to us. "How much longer does Ucle Nik have? Hope's been stuck in her room looking for a spell" 

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