Chapter 61

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Kimberly's pov_______________________

The next morning Raph and I were enjoying our morning breakfast. I noticed Richelle and this blond kid her age talking. She was laughing and having fun, which was nice to see.

"Brother! Niklaus!" Elijah walked into the compound yelling.

"You do realize that literally everyone here has supernatural hearing, right?" Hayley asked as she went over to him. 

"Where is my brother?" Elijah asked.

"Oh, I'll just-- I'll check his calendar. Wait. No. Not his wife, so..." Hayley said sarcastically.

"Hayley this city is under siege by an army of beats following my deranged mother's every command. Now considering it was your people who just declared war on my kind, perhaps now's not the best time for your particular brand of sass" Elijah said which shut Hayley up. He turned to me. "Kimberly, do you know where he is?"

"He left a while ago. I don't know where he went" I said.

"If only there was a magical device that people use to call people. I don't know. I'm out of ideas. Good luck" Hayley said and walked away, but then she stopped. "Oh, one more thing, Elijah. Those beasts you were referring to, they may be under Esther's control, but as you said, they're my people, so if you hurt them, your bitch mother will be the least of your problems" Hayley turned around and angrily walked away.

I chuckled. 

"Shut up" Elijah said.

"She told you, didn't she?" I said amused.

"Come along, Kimberly. I will need your help" Elijah said with a sign.

"Why do you need her of all people?" Raph asked.

"Niklaus isn't here. Hayley is new to being a vampire. You don't want Richelle involved because she's also new, you want her to focus on being stronger. Therefore, Kimberly is my best bet" Elijah explained. "Anything else you would like to know?" 

"It's fine, Raph. We'll be back soon. Take Richelle training. When I get back, the three of us can go do something" I said then looked at Elijah. "Lead the way" We left the compound and went across the river to the other side of town. "So why are we here?"

"I made a promise to help one of Marcle's new vampires. He's been building his army up again and he's been held up here ever since Niklaus took the city and our home back" 

"And why am I coming with you? I'm sure you're capable of helping his newbie vampire on your own" 

"I might not be able to train her, you trained Parker, Diana, Chase, Rapheal, and now Richelle. Your skills are remarkable" 

Was he trying to stir some emotions toward me? Was he trying to get me to like him again? He;s broken my heart one too many times.

We walked into the room. We could hear Marcle's vampires talking about fighting the werewolves. So Elijah and I snapped two of his vampire's necks. 

"Lesson one. Always be on your guard" Elijah said. "I need Gia" 

We took her to a spare room where they were a lot of open space.

I started to teach her combat skills. She practiced by herself with my guidance. After an hour and a half, we used Elijah to practice what she learned. 

She went to punch him, but he caught her hand. 


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