Chapter 93

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Kimberly's pov____________________

An hour went by and everyone kept searching to find Elijah's key. I was searching his old room when I found nothing. I went back downstairs and sat with Kol.

"You didn't find anything?" I asked him.

"Nothing. You?"

"Nothing" I shook my head.

"Why would I lie?" Elijah asked. "I want out of here as bad as you"

"What's going on?" Bekah asked.

"Our brother has been deliberately repressing his memories to keep us trapped here" Nik said.

"I am not your brother!" Elijah yelled. "And I didn't ask for any of this"

"You most certainly did" Bekah yelled through the wind. "It's not like you held a family vote before you decided to erase all of us"

"Have you ever considered the possibility that perhaps you don't even want me back? I mean, it seems to me that I make you all incredibly miserable" Elijah asked.

"We all make each other miserable" Kol stood up.

"But through it all, we are family, and we made a vow" Bekah added.

"Always and forever" I said.

"I made another vow! And the woman I pledged my life to is out there, and she is dying. So, if you believe in any way that-that I am your family, then I'm begging you-- I'm begging you-- help me" Elijah said.

"When Vincent and Marcel were recovering your memories, what did you see?" Nik asked him.

"A white corridor. A long white corridor with a red door" Elijah explained.

"That's where you hide the things you don't want to remember" Kol said. "You've been doing it for a thousand years"

"Then what happened?" I asked, wanting him to continue.

"I tried to open the door. The handle was on fire. It was a searing heat. I mean, I've been in broad daylight without my ring, and I've never, ever experienced any heat like that" Elijah said.

"So you know how it feels to have your flesh melt from your bones, have your insides turn to lava because that pain is the last thing Hayley knew. No swift and painless death for her. Just raw fire!" Nik yelled.

"It's true and that is what's behind your door" I said.

"The truth about what you did to the woman you loved" Nik said.

"The woman I love is Antoinette" Elijah said.

"How can Antoinette possibly hold a candle to Hayley, to Kimberly? to the way you felt about her?" Bekah asked. "You loved Hayley and you're in love with Kimberly"

"I mean, did I? Did I really?" Elijah asked and my jaw dropped. "Are you sure that my feelings weren't simply the product of my ridiculous crusade to try and save you? Any excuse whatsoever just to maintain that pathetic entanglement... of always and forever" 

Thunder rumbled loudly. 

"The storm's escalating. We're running out of time" I said starting to worry. 

"We're wasting it rehashing ten centuries of separation anxiety, and none of this has anything to do with our vow" Nik said.

"It has everything to do with our vow" Bekah said. "Why do you think we never tore Elijah and Hayley apart? You knew that Hayley would stay close because of Hope, and as long as Elijah was in love with Hayley-- no offense, Kimberly-- he would never leave you either"

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