Chapter 4

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Kimberly's pov__________________

"Why would it be in a well?" Damon asked confused.

Bonnie opened her eyes. "I told you, I only get what I get" Bonnie gasp in shock as we see Mason has grabbed her hand. I ripped his hand off of her. 

"That's it. That's all I got" Bonnie grabbed her bag and quickly begins to walk away.

"Hey, judgy." Bonnie stops and looks back at Damon. Thank you" Damon said to her. 

She nods and walks away.

I smirk. "Guessing she doesn't like you" 

"What gave that away?" Damon and I turn to Mason. "Come on. Wake up, wolf boy" Damon then punched him in the face hoping to wake him up.

"I'll leave you to this" I said then vamped speed to Bonnie before she left. 

"Where do you think the well is?" I asked her. 

"Um. Caroline and I think it's in the woods. I told Stefan to meet me there" 

"I'll get a head start" I said then vamped speed into the woods and not even 5 minutes later found Stefan and Elena by the well.

"Is the moonstone in there?" I asked them.

"Bonnie thinks so" Elena said to me.

"Alright. I'm going in" Stefan said.

"Be careful" Elena says. 

Stefan jumped in but then he immediately started reacting. 

"Elena!" we hear. 



"Stefan, what's happening?" Elena yells.

We hear Stefan groan.

"Elena, the water, it's vervain" I said and her eyes widen as we watch Stefan pass out. 

"Stefan!" Elena yells.

"Elena" Caroline appeared. 

"Caroline, Stefan's down there. And the chain is rusted I-"

Caroline went to jump in but I held her back.

"No, no, no. You can't. It's filled with vervain" Elena said.

"Guys we got to get him out" Elena said with worry.

I grabbed the chains as I tied Elena to it. 

"We got you, ok?" Caroline said as we held on to the other end as we prepare to bring her down. 

"Ok" Elena says as Bonnie appears. 

"What's going on? You took off in a blur" Bonnie said to Caroline. 

"I heard Elena screaming"

"You ready?" I asked her. 

"Yeah" I said and Caroline and I set her down.

A few minutes later we wait for Elena to give us a signal.

"Elena, what's going on down there?" Caroline asked.

"Pull him up!" we hear Elena yell.

Caroline and I used vamp strength to pull him up and we got him out of the well. Bonnie grabbed him, untied him, and dragged his unconscious body to the ground. 

"Elena? I'm ready for you" Caroline said.

"Hold on!" Elena yells. "I need to find the stone"

"Hurry" Bonnie said to her. 

Kimberly PierceWhere stories live. Discover now