Chapter 81

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Kimberly's pov________________________

The next morning, we were ready to head to the Bayou.  Elijah and I walked downstairs with Nat and Richelle. Nik came over to us and pulled us to the side. 

"You need to go to the Bayou without me" Nik said.

"Why?" I asked confused.

"Take Hope. I'll be right behind you" Nik said ignoring my question.

"What are you saying?" Elijah asked.

"My daughter nearly died. I have to ensure the threat to her is over" Nik said.

"Not without us you cannot" Elijah said. "Brother, Marcel loathes--"

"You most of all. Freya will help me here" Nik cut him off. "I need to know my child is safe as well as my niece. You, Kimberly, and Hayley can ensure that" Nik walked away.

"Alright. Ready to go?" Hayley walked over to us.

"Yeah. Let's go" I said.

"Oh, one more thing, Richelle brought Jasmine. She said Jasmine wants to leave with us" Hayley said.

"Oh... Well, I guess that's fine. More people to help you out then" I said.

Everyone left for the Bayou. Richelle and Jasmine were walking ahead of everyone with Hope and Nat were walking behind them. 

"I do miss it out there" Hayley said.

"Yeah, looks like you're not alone" Elijah said. "You know, we could be happy out here" 

"I think you might stand out in that suit" I said.

"Well, I was thinking jeans, shorts, and flip-flops" Elijah said.

"Wow, what have you done with Elijah Mikaelson?" I joked.

We arrived at Mary's cabin in the woods. "Grandma Mary" Hope said happily. 

"Well, hello, sweetheart" Mary hugged Hope and Nat. "Oh, my girls" 

"We picked you some flowers" Nat said.

"Honey darlings, why don't you run on inside? I need to talk to your mamas" Mary said.

"Come on, Richelle" Nat pulled Richelle's hand inside, and Jasmine and Hope followed.

"I didn't know you were bringing him" Mary said referring to Elijah. 

"Mary, come on" Hayley said.

"Vampires aren't welcome, except for you two of course" Mary said. "Rules of the house"

Elijah grabbed my arm. "I'll leave you two" Elijah said.

"What about our daughter?" I asked.

"She stays with her mother, I can go help Niklaus" Elijah kissed me and then left. 

Hayley and I walked closer to Mary. "Seriously?" I asked her. 

"You know how I feel. Our kind winds up dead when they're around. Yesterday, we lost Lara. I wake up to hear there's been some kind of occult massacre in the woods. Let me guess-- Mikaelsons are involved"

"That's why we're here" Hayley said. "I want to talk about what really caused that massacre last night" 

We moved onto the patio. "All we know is this cult wanted to sacrifice children. Somehow Lara got caught up in it, and when she tried to get out, she couldn't, and she killed herself" Hayley explained.

"Doesn't make sense. Someone is recruiting Crescents into a cult?" Mary asked confused.

"That's why I need you to look out for, Mary-- Anything strange. These people obsess over specific imagery it's a... serpent eating its own tail" Hayley said.

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