Chapter 67

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Kimberly's pov_____________________

I woke up to Hope crying. I figured Hayley would have attended to her. I looked over and Elijah wasn't in bed. 

I went downstairs and he was cooking. "Hmm. Now this is a sight" 

"Yes, indeed" Elijah said and we kissed. 

I then heard a call pull up. "Nik is back... I wonder if they did it"

"Go see" 

I walked outside and saw him with Cami. "Hey, Cami" 

"Hey, Kim" 

"I'd like to introduce you to the newest member of our family, the little troublemaker all the fuss has been about. Camille..." Hayley came outside, carrying Hope. "This is Hope"

"Oh, my god. What? You said-- I thought she was--" Cami was speechless.

"The only way to truly protect her was to convince the world of her death. I hope you understand. Once it's safe for you to leave here, our secret cannot leave with you" Cami nodded understanding. She then came over and gawked at Hope.

"She's perfect" Cami said.

A few minutes passed, and Elijah, Nik, Cami, and I gathered in the living room. 

Nik has explained what happened last night. Bekah put her blood in Esther's red wine. Nik cut her throat and now she died with vampire blood in her system. He left her locked up with a choice to turn or die. Bekah has been body-jumped into a witch of Kol's choosing. She is nowhere to be found, no one is truly worried. She'll find her way back.

"Now that we've entombed our mother, I intend to finish making the city safe for Hope, which to start means dealing with the lingering problem of Finn"

"Oh. Once he figures out what you've done to your mother, he's gonna go off the deep end" Cami said.

"That's exactly why we need to keep you out of harm's way. Hayley and I will return home and take care of my wayward brother. Elijah, Kimberly, and Richelle will remain here with you. Elijah's been experiencing some side effects since his ordeal as our mother's captive. Best he stays and convalesce"

"A single violent outburst at a filthy roadside cafe, and one never hears the end of it" Elijah said.

"Well, Cami has a way with minds plagued by demons, brother. You two can bond. If you'll excuse me. I best be on my way. Rebekah should have already woken up in the body of Angelica Barker. Once she has cut the ties with Ms. Barker's former life, she'll make her way directly here. You should expect her shortly" Nik left.

A few hours go by and Rebekah hasn't arrived yet. Elijah's been trying to reach her.

 "Yahtzee! ha ha" Cami took out a bottle. "If there's one thing I've learned about you people it's that there's always a bottle of booze around. You want one?" 

"I'll take one" I said as she poured two glasses.

"Sounds delightful, and after that, Camille, then what? We have another, then another, perhaps another after that, another after that? Before long, I find myself opening up to you or bearing my danged soul, as it were. It's an old trick, Camille. Not a particularly clever one"

"You're mother really did a number on you boys, didn't she?" Cami asked. "Has it ever occurred to you that I am less interested in fixing your problems and more interested in forgetting my own? I mean, I'm basically in a supernatural witness protection program because of your psychotic brother, who by the way, I practically had to seduce, wants me dead, so yeah. Booze and board games is pretty much where I'm at right now"

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